Tuesday - Sunny and a little cool
I first woke up this morning when F announced, around 7:00 or 7:30 that he was going to call out at work today. Okay then. I went back to sleep. I woke up when my alarm went off. I went downstairs and came back to the room. I returned to bed after asking F what he planned to do today.
I got up a lot later, got dressed and went downstairs. Since F didn’t really appear to be doing much, I made my breakfast and then brought it upstairs to eat. I ate, spent some time on my computer, watched the news and then started to watch the streaming rebroadcast of the Academy Awards and then it was after 1pm. F came into the room and asked if I’d like to have lunch. We came up with a few ideas for places, but in the car F suggested Nagomi. I said it was okay and it was, but I just didn’t want Japanese food.
We went to Nagomi and both had their lunch special. We had half an order of soba with a small keisen-don, tempura and miso soup. It was good. I had one small weird thing happen though. I had some chopped-up raw tuna on my chopsticks. On the way to my mouth, it fell off my chopsticks. It fell down my shirt. I tried to catch it, but for some reason, it ended up on the floor. It also left lovely soy sauce marks on my undershirt. Sigh.
We did talk about going for coffee after our meal and I thought F was okay with that, but he headed back to the house after lunch. Sigh. He had decided to go to a doctor, which was a good thing, but it was sad for me.
Back at the house I relaxed and watched some YouTube then the news. F came back from the doctor with a ton of medicine of course.
Around 5:45 I went downstairs to start dinner. F had asked that I make curry on Sunday and I foolishly agreed! I like curry a lot, but it is a bit of work to prepare all the veggies.
I cut up a lot of vegetables and then started cooking them. I was a bit late getting it on the table, but that’s because making curry takes a long time. I had asked F yesterday if we had enough rice for dinner today too and he said yes. Of course, the answer was no! We finished the rice and then when F and I wanted seconds, there wasn’t any left. We had one bachelor pack rice in the kitchen and I thought there was more in K’s old room, but there wasn’t. Now, I wasn’t the last person to bring some out to the kitchen. Don’t you think F should have told me there wasn’t any left? Yes, yes he should have!
We ate curry and rice, plus salad and potato salad tonight. It was very nice, really. K enjoyed it and said it was good.
I cleared the table and then did the dishes. It wasn’t too bad since I did a few while the curry was cooking. After I was finished, I told F that I was done and suggested we leave right away so that we could get some shopping in. I went upstairs and changed.
We jumped in the car and drove to Mina. F came in with me which was fine, but a bit annoying too! He never bothers to ask me what I need to buy! We got a few things and then came back to the house.
We put the groceries away…okay, I did that with major interference from F. He gave me a bunch of stuff all at once that went into different drawers…it was not a good thing. I told him to leave me to it!
I went upstairs and relaxed when I was done. F relaxed with his computer but did go downstairs to make rice for tomorrow.
I watched FBI: Most Wanted at 11pm and then off went the TV. I did some knitting during the show. I’m doing my final decreasing now. I’m using double-pointed needles which is a bit fiddly, but okay. Will I have enough yarn? I’m not sure!
It’s been YouTube and blogging and internet stuff ever since then. When I’ve posted this, I’ll be going to bed.
Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….
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