July 13, 2009 - Monday

Torrential rain and gale-force winds in the morning, clearing in the afternoon.

I got up at a goodly time today, but being Monday there was no news on. I stayed up too. I watched some of the things I'd taped yesterday off WOWOW. The first thing I watched was 28 Weeks Later. I'm glad I didn't stay up and watch it last night. I'm just not into horror movies. I only wanted to see this one because I'd seen the first one.

I had planned to go out, but the weather in the morning was terrible. Then, in the afternoon I got caught up in something else, so I didn't go out. Oh well. That also means I didn't spend any money and that's a good thing isn't it?

I spent the afternoon writing 2 letters for my students' parents. Two of the children are finishing their textbooks and I wanted to ask the parents for permission to order new texts for their children. Hubby will translate them for me.

After F came home tonight we went out for dinner. We ended up at New York, New York where we had decent burgers. We came home via the grocery store where I bought some cucumbers. Yes, I think it is time to make cucumber salad again, although it isn't very hot right now.

We came home and F got stuck in on the translating, with me telling him that he had to stop when American Idol came on. He did, but then decided that it was time to fix himself something to eat and drink. The man is so noisy! He did catch me glaring at him a few times and had the good grace to quieten down. During AI I did a bit more on my crochet. I'm getting near the end of the 3rd ball of cotton. That should mean I'm almost half done! Woot. I'll have to try and wind some more into a ball tomorrow.

And that's about it. I had a mostly quiet day today. Tomorrow I have only one class, as one student cancelled. The good thing is I'll be able to come home early. That will be a nice treat. Gotta go. Night!

1 comment:

norrbu said...

How I'd wish we had torrential rain here in the west coast.