May 20, 2011

Friday - Warm and sunny, muggy in the afternoon

A good day!

I went to bed early last night. Well, early for ME anyway. I was in bed before 2:30. I know. I was really surprised too.

I got up around 9 am this morning, took a shower and checked my email quickly, then headed out. I went over to the little theatre in Tsuruoka and saw a movie. I went to Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont. It was great. Such a cool little movie. I adore Joan Plowright and she was on form in this movie.

After the film, I headed to the mall and had a quick tour of the hundred yen shop. I got a couple of fans and some stationery. I went down to the coffee shop and had a sandwich and wrote a couple of secret postcard letters to people. They aren’t really secret, they are just folded letters that can be sent as at a postcard rate.

I came home via the bakery and the grocery store. At home, I chilled out for a while and watched Private Practice. I’m happy to say that I hadn’t seen today’s episodes so it was a good thing.

F came home tonight while I was charging up my iPod. I didn’t hear him come in tonight. We chatted for a while and then I started getting dinner ready. He fell asleep on the couch. I chopped up a bunch of veggies and then thought I’d take a break too. I went over to my computer for an hour or so.

When F woke up, we got dinner together rather quickly. We had a lovely feast and in the end, found ourselves with too many vegetables. Still, I think F will make a stirfry or a stew with them tomorrow night.

F did the few dishes and then we settled in for a good evening. At 10 I came over to the couch and watched Glee and Desperate Housewives with F. Between the shows I asked F to DVR Veronica Mars for me on Sunday night when we’re going away. After the shows I asked him to DVR Glee and DH for me next week and he kept getting mixed up with Veronica Mars. I’m not sure why. It was odd. I guess he can’t keep my TV schedule in his head like me! (chuckle, chuckle)

I did quite a bit of crochet tonight and got up to row 15 on my doily. It’s quite a cute one. I’m hoping that it’s going to be a nice one. It’s looking quite nice so far.

Anyway, that’s about it for me. I’m hoping to watch Supernatural in a few minutes and maybe do a little more crochet. Talk to you tomorrow night most likely. Will be out of town on Sunday night, so don’t expect an update.

That’s it. Night!

1 comment:

JY69 said...

Have a nice weekend! It's really nice weather at last...but rainy season coming up soon... too soon...