May 25, 2011

Wednesday - Sunny but cool.

I had an okay day today really. I got up on time and after checking my email went back to bed. I couldn’t sleep though, so I got up and got dressed.

I had a quiet morning at home. I watched some US TV on WOWOW starting at 12. It was fun to watch for a change. There was a Halloween version of Medium that was almost scary.

After a while I wrapped up a book for a Bookmooch and took it and a letter to the post office and mailed them. Yay me. There were a lot of people around and I realised that it was the Tenjin Matsuri today, and I had missed it. Darn! I meant to go and watch the parade, but didn’t.

I came home, and swept the apartment lobby again. I did a quick job of it, there may be more dirt, but I didn’t see it! I came in the apartment and vegged for a bit.

F came home around 5:45 and after a bit I started dinner. He was going to prepare something so after I did the veggies, he took over the kitchen. Unfortunately, he completely finished his dish before telling me he was done. I still had to stir-fry the meat. I did that, but of course his tofu dish was cold. Bleck. I dislike hot food served cold. He doesn’t care about that, but I do. We had an okay dinner of stir-fried pork with garlic, salad with zucchini sticks and grilled tofu.

After F did the dishes, we vegged for a while, before going out again. We were both hungry again. I hadn’t eaten anything all day, and F had missed lunch. We had a nice second dinner at Gusto!

We came home and after F’s bath, I asked him to put the DVR’d version of Veronica Mars on from Sunday night when we were away. He did, but it was in Japanese only. I am not pleased. He spent the last 15 minutes playing with the dvr settings to try to see what he did, but can’t figure it out. I’m past caring now. Quite ticked off and worried that the shows I asked him to tape for me this weekend are a lost cause. Does anyone think I want to give up my VCR when the country goes all digital?

And that’s it for my day. I didn’t get a lot of stuff done for my trip, so tomorrow I have a lot of things to get done. Wish me luck with it! I’ll probably update tomorrow night, but then I’ll be off for a couple of nights. Don’t miss me too much. Night!


Mieko said...

Your doily is wonderful. You are good with your hands, aren't you.
And what kind of sauce did you have for grilled tofu? And I don't know that zucchini is eaten as salad. You used fresh zucchini din't it? When I use zucchini I always cook it.

Helen said...

Thank you! I've been crocheting for a long time, it is something that relaxes me and I love it!

We just put soy sauce on the tofu. It was Aburage? Sorry, not sure about the spelling. My husband grilled it and put sliced negi on it.

Yes, I like zucchini raw and cooked. It's very mild, so I washed the outsides well yesterday and then cut them into sticks. We dipped the sticks in salad dressing. It's very nice that way!

Canadians eat a lot of vegetables raw! My husband was surprised when he first went to my sister's house and she gave him raw cauliflower and broccoli to eat. He liked it, but was a bit surprised.

Thanks for visiting!