January 24, 2012

Tuesday - Clear and gorgeous, then snowy at night.

A good day.

I went to bed a little earlier than usual last night. F didn’t even believe it when I sneaked into bed at 2:30! I’m usually much later than that. I even slept late this morning, despite waking up for F’s alarm clock and the telephone ringing at 8:30 am.

I had a good but quiet morning around the apartment. I didn’t watch a lot of TV, just did some internet stuff.

In the afternoon, Jurassic Park 3 was on, so I watched it as I got ready for work. It is supremely silly, but entirely watchable. I was debating whether to ride my bike today or walk. I noticed there were some dark clouds up there, so I decided to walk.

I left the apartment around 3 and walked to work via the drugstore. It was clear out so I didn’t have to shovel any snow. Yay.

I got to my school, and set up for the day. I didn’t have a lot to do as I had already done it before. When the time for my class came, unfortunately, my student didn’t. She was busy at work again. I used the time to plan a lesson and also to read the newspapers, and finish the Sunday puzzle.

A couple of hours later, I finally decided I should go and called F. He came to get me and we decided to go to Cocos for dinner. At Cocos I had my usual chicken with basil sauce and F had deep fried oysters and shrimp.

We came home via the grocery store and I got some stuff to cook for myself tomorrow night. I’m a bit sad that we are doing it this way, but I really can’t eat fish as much as F wants. I suggested me cooking something like pasta and then we each add our own sauce/toppings or a vegetarian stirfry which we could each add what we like to it, but he wouldn’t hear of it. Sigh. Still, we were quite friendly tonight, so I don’t mind too much.

At home I watched Criminal Minds and did a couple of rows of crochet. I’ve basically got the pattern down, so now I can just relax and do it. After midnight I watched James Franco on The Actors Studio and started blogging.

A couple of things happened while I was blogging. I started to think about a friend from High School and thought I’d do a Facebook search. I’ve looked for her before and she wasn’t listed, but Eureka! She was there and on line! Woot! She was one of my group of close friends, so I’m really happy to find her. And then, at 2:45, the telephone rang. Just once, but it was odd. I hope it was just a wrong number.

And that was my day. I’m happy to find my friend and see what’s going on with her…and I’m happy that I didn’t have a fight with my husband. Got to go. Night!

1 comment:

Orchid64 said...

I'm really glad that things are looking better! I hope the trend continues!