January 28, 2012

Saturday - Snowy, sunny, cold and windy

Had a good day today.

I got up this morning, showered and a little while later, F and I went out for brunch. F had breakfast, I had lunch. F ordered, but they got his order wrong, so he had to send it back. Mine was fine!

F drove me to my school and helped me clean the parking space. I did a lot of the walkway. Today it was really covered with snow and the snow was packed down. I couldn’t move most of it.

My student came and we had a good lesson. She had done her homework this time and finished a book so I was quite happy with her! She’ll be back next week.

I waited for my next student, but filled time by reading a newspaper, doing paper work and planning a couple of lessons. When the other student’s time came, she didn’t. I phoned her and she was in a business meeting. Once again, we had to cancel.

I knew that F had an appointment later on, so I called him and asked him to come and get me. He did, and we made a quick stop at the drug store, before going home.

I stayed at home while F went for a massage. He was gone about an hour, and seemed happier when he came home. We went for dinner a little later. I gave him the choice of three restaurants and he picked his favourite Chinese place. We had a nice meal there, but to get out of the drafts from the door, we had to sit in smoking. When we arrived, no one was there, but then, a family sat near us and one of them smoked. Blurg.

We came straight home afterwards and throughout the night have watched some interesting TV. There’s been Top Gear, Gossip Girl, Machete, and bits of The Celebrity Apprentice. Oh, and to start the night I made hub watch The Cassandra Crossing. Old 70’s schlock, but fun. Richard Harris, Sophia Loren, Ava Gardner, Martin Sheen, OJ Simpson and Burt Lancaster were all in one odd movie about a plague on a train. We just finished watching Machete. It’s not a good movie, but the cast of actors is almost as varied as The Cassandra Crossings’ was!

Anyway, I should probably end this now as it is late and I ought to get some sleep. Tomorrow I have no plans, I’m just hoping to relax. Tune in tomorrow and see what I do! Night.


Anonymous said...

why do you eat out so much :)

Helen said...

Because it is cheap and because that way we can both get what we want to eat.

Anonymous said...

Actually we have also found eating out is cheap. Masaaki likes to eat out a lot too. What we spend on eating out we save on gas, shopping and food. I do cook a lot but several times a week he wants to go out- fine by me!

Helen said...

Ditto! If you are eating at little local restaurants then it is quite reasonable.