Postcrossing Cards - Incoming

January 2012

I've had a great month so far for post cards. It's a little overwhelming at times, in fact. I also feel a little bit sad for F as he hasn't been receiving as many as I have. Still, I have some great ones for you to see today. There are six cards, so let's get on with it, shall we?

I love this first one. I collect actor portraits in black and white, and did even before I joined Postcrossing. This is a French Actress, Myléne Demongeot. She was still acting in 2006 and from the pictures on Wikipedia, still very beautiful. I'm going to look out for her work!
The card came to me from Germany and was sent early this year.

On the same day, I also received this other black and white card from Italy. It came from an Italian teacher. She lives near Florence and this postcard shows the square "Saint Ghost" in Florence in 1959.

She lists a few of her favourite films and includes The King's Speech amongst them. A woman after my own heart!
I really love black and white photos. They have a timeless feel about them, don't they?

This "knitted" card comes from China and was sent by a high school student who is quite new to Postcrossing. She writes of her love of the film Pride and Prejudice and particularly mentioned the 2005 version. I suggested that she try and find the lovely Colin Firth version too as it is my favourite!

Poland is the focus of this next card. These are beautiful Polish towns that border the Dunojec River. The sender writes that she thinks her country is beautiful, and from the views, I agree!

Although the next card has a Vietnam picture on it, it actually comes from Taiwan. The sender bought it when he was in Vietnam a couple of years ago.
He likes many movies but mentioned The Bucketlist as one that inspires him to make his own list.
The English on the back of the card says this is The Mount of Fighting Cocks.

The last card for today is rather special. This card is of an actor and it is in black and white. However, this actor is known for something else besides acting. He went on to become President of the United States.
I give you Lieutenant Ronald Wilson Reagan. He enlisted as a private in the U.S. Cavalry in 1937.

This card was sent from a Postcrosser in Florida, in the US. I love it because it shows a different side of Reagan from the ones that I knew, and as he was an actor, it fits right into my collection. Thanks!

There you have it. Six great cards. What do YOU think?


The Purple Room said...

Those are great postcards!

I wish I also received some like that.

Thanks for sharing.

Helen said...

You are welcome! I'm sure you got some good ones too! You could blog them :-)