March 17, 2013

Sunday - Sunny and warmish

A mostly good day.

I slept in as usual on Sunday but managed to drag myself out of bed before noon.  F plied me with his lovely brioche that he'd made overnight in the breadmaker. It was good. 

We talked about going out for lunch, but never really made any move to do so.  We ended up taking a nap, so we didn't even leave the apartment until 4ish. Since none of the local restaurants would be open for dinner until 5:30 at the earliest, we chose to go to Doutors in the mall for a drink and a sandwich.  Yum.  I enjoyed going there as always.

We discussed where to have dinner over our tea. F wanted to have dinner in the Sakata Port restaurant, so I said okay.  We headed off and got there around 5pm.  We went upstairs and there weren't too many people there for a change, but the majority of the dishes were sold out.  There was only a hamburg set and a small keisendon set available.  I just couldn't do it.  I asked F to have something and I'd sit with him while he ate, or if there was a small dish available I'd have that instead.  He was understandably annoyed with me, and wouldn't eat there at all.  

We went to Alba instead.  It was a curry restaurant behind one of the keiten sushi restaurants.  It was surprisingly good. I like curry, but not terribly hot curry, and I was happy with my dish. I had a shrimp and chicken baked curry dish, and F had shrimp curry.  I think he liked it. He was very quiet during the meal.  

After dinner, we made a quick trip to Yamaya in Sakata to pick up a few goodies, then came home again.  We had a quiet night at home. I watched a bit of TV and rather enjoyed it.  I also wrote up a few postcards for Postcrossing.  I'll scan and then send them tomorrow.  Then, just before F went to take his bath, he asked me about his pants.  He has a new pair of pants but the hem is too long.  He wanted to just get hemming tape and stick them up, but I volunteered to sew them for him.  He kept changing how much I should turn up the hem, so I made him try them on to see!  Silly man.  

And that's about my day.  It wasn't bad at all.  I am sorry that I upset F. I had every intention of eating at that fish restaurant, it's just that when I got there, there was nothing available that looked appealing to me.  Sigh.

Tomorrow I have the day off and I hope to relax a bit, maybe do some of that hemming, and if possible, go out a bit in the afternoon.  Come back tomorrow to see what ever-so-interesting things I get up to!  Night.

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