August 29, 2017

Tuesday - Muggy and rainy

An odd day!

We woke up this morning with our phones shrieking an alarm.  My first thought was an earthquake, but F actually read his phone and it said there was a missile launch from North Korea! Apparently, the Dear Leader had pushed a button and sent a missile over Japan.  It passed over Hokkaido, so quite far north of here and landed in the ocean on the other side.  F wanted to watch the news, but there wasn’t much to see.  I went back to bed and fell asleep.

I said a sleepy goodbye to F as he left, then snoozed a little longer until it was time for me to get up for the news.  And of course it wasn’t on, it had been pre-empted by the missile news.  Sigh.  Oh well.

I watched half of Agents of Shield and went down to have breakfast.  K had breakfast with me today and we both ate our cereal and enjoyed it.  I did the dishes and then did a couple of loads of laundry.  I took them out to the garage to hang up.

I spent most of the day in the rooms upstairs.  I watched quite a bit of the DVR’d stuff from the machine and also did up a couple of Postcrossing cards.  I scanned the outgoing and incoming cards I had ready and then uploaded them to the sites.

I ate lunch alone as K begged off.  It was fine.  I had a couple of sandwiches which I enjoyed.  

During the day, I hatched a plan for tomorrow.  I’m going to go and see if I can get my hair cut tomorrow.  My trip is less than 3 weeks away, so a new cut will be a good thing. It’ll have time to grow out a touch and not look like a new cut!

F came back to the house around 6 pm and was tired.  I felt for him.  We talked about restaurants vs eating in but decided to go out.  We did invite K, but she didn’t want to go.  

F and I went to Sashimiya, but not the one we usually go to.  We went to the one near the Art Forum.  It was fine except we had to sit on tatami in a smoky smelling room.  We did have a good meal though.  

We had just enough time after dinner to run to S-mall and have coffee at Doutors.  We got our Wifi fix…yay.

We bought a few groceries and then came back to the house.  I watched Joy, a movie with Jennifer Lawrence and finished darning in the ends on one side of my poncho.  Only one more side to go, but I have already started it.  Then I just have to join it, edge it and do some fill in work.  Simple, right!

F and I both took showers and then he went to bed. I’m still up, but am planning to go to bed soon as I’ll have an early morning myself.  I really hope that my stylist is available tomorrow or it’ll be for naught!

Come back on Wednesday to see if I survive the day and if I am able to get my hair cut.  Until tomorrow….


Orchid64 said...

I am so angry about the missiles being fired over Japan and am so furious at Trump for inciting North Korea in the way he has to create this tension and acting out. If anything bad happens in Japan, I will unfriend every single person who is a conservative that I know and who supports/supported Trump and never speak to them again.

This is precisely what I most feared when he got elected - that his clumsy and idiotic approach to "diplomacy" would start getting people killed.

I'm so sorry.

Helen said...

Dear Orchid64....

It isn't your fault. Boys like to play with their toys.... At the moment people seem to be quite calm here about the whole thing.

I am hoping that Trump doesn't try to retaliate or spout off more nonsense to North Korea too.

I am thankful that no one was hurt and it was a test. I didn't appreciate the early wake-up call, but I rarely do!

Thank you for commenting.