Saturday - Rainy
A good, busy day.
Today started rather oddly. I woke up around 9 am and shooed F off to the doctor’s office. I fell back asleep, kind of planning that I’d wake up in a few minutes. The next thing I knew my mother in law was in my room, calling, “Helen-San, Helen San!” I woke up with a start and I think I surprised her as much as she surprised me! I guess that she had been calling me from downstairs and since I didn’t hear her, came upstairs to check on me. Although I was mildly annoyed that she came in my room, I think she meant well. She was trying to tell me I had received some mail. Anyway, it was now 11 am and I did not plan to sleep so late!
I got up, got dressed and finished up my Christmas boxes and checked my computer, that kind of thing.
F called me to say he was on his way back, so I asked him to pick up something for his mother’s lunch. He did and brought us back a little sushi too. We ate together in the living room and then headed out.
F and I went to the post office and sent my boxes to Canada and a few other things as well. It was quite expensive, but we got it all sent. Whew!
After that, we had lunch. I suggested the Grand El Sun, so we went there and had a yummy, but small lunch.
I wanted to go to the station and pick up a brochure for a trip I am planning in February. We did that and I found that there is still a special on train travel so I might be able to afford to go! Hurray.
Then, we came back to the house where F proceeded to have ramen because he was still hungry. Grr. I was still hungry too but there was no food for Helen. Sigh.
F has decided to change our internet provider, did I write about that? He spent some time on the phone with them but I still don’t really know what is happening. I am not really too happy about this whole thing. He thinks it will be cheaper, I worry that it won’t be as good.
We headed out to buy F’s mother some dinner and brought it back to her. She decided to keep it for tomorrow. I don’t understand that. F had asked her if she wanted dinner as far as I know.
We drove out to Mikawa and bought our tickets to go and see Star Wars: The Last Jedi. We were going to the English show at 8:00pm but had some time to kill. We went to Mr Donut and had a coffee and a doughnut since I had a filled stamp booklet. It only gave us 100 yen off, but it was nice to sit and have our coffee and the doughnut.
We left the food court area and walked over to the other end of the mall to have dinner. F went to a ramen shop and I went to a pasta restaurant. He was finished before me, but I probably enjoyed everything more. I had shrimp and avocado basil pasta with a side salad and it was nice.
When I finished I went out to meet F who had already finished, then we went upstairs to the movie theatre. We got our drinks, and popcorn, we had a coupon tonight and went to see the movie. Both of us really enjoyed the film. I liked the fact that we got to know more about some of the characters from the last film, and there were a few introduced in this one that were quite interesting.
After the movie, we drove back to Tsuruoka and made a quick conbini run and then came back to the house. I got on my computer, F on his phone and the last few hours have been quiet but nice. I just watched/listened/grooved to a George Michael special (George! I miss you still!) on NHK.
Tomorrow morning F and his mother will probably go to an onsen and maybe have lunch together. I’ll be at the house for a while but that’s okay. I have lots of things to do. I hope I won’t sleep late again!
Come back later on and see what I get up to. Until tomorrow….
Sounds like a good day after all. I'm looking forward to seeing the new Star Wars movie, but the theaters will be packed here for a couple of weeks at least, so I'm waiting until it calms down!
It did turn out well, despite the way it began!
I've never seen a theatre sell out here, although I have heard that they do. My little local theatre has a tiny room where they show arty films and it gets close at times.
When I went to see The Princess Bride in Edmonton this year, it was full, and the audience was so different from Japan. They laughed at the right places and they also made noise...I was in shock!
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