September 26, 2018

Wednesday - Cloudy and cooler

An okay day.

This morning I overslept. Sigh. I woke up a couple of times in the night as it was so cold, then overslept this morning.  I woke up just before 9 and checked my phone. I had a message from my sister.  That doesn’t bode well!

It turns out that someone had been using my credit card and had made a few charges on it. The bank had noticed there were odd charges and had contacted my sister.  She asked me to take care of it by calling the bank collect.  I spent much too much time this morning trying to figure out how to do that! I was told by the cell phone company that they no longer allow collect calls. Sigh.

I had a pushed back day. Because I got up late, I couldn’t do things on time but things worked out eventually.  

F phoned me to say he was finished work and I asked him to pick up a salad and something crunchy to round out our dinner.  I suggested pickled eggplants but he didn’t think they were crunchy.  He seemed very upset with me because I asked him NOT to get sashimi.  We didn’t need it with our chicken stew.  

I went down to the kitchen, got stuff out, started heating up the stew. F came home in a bit of a mood, but he had brought a big salad for us and a Chinese noodle salad which was also fine.  He helped a bit and we got dinner on the table.  

It was quite nice and everything got eaten.  I cleared the table after, washed the dishes and had just started to dry them when F appeared and helped with the rest.  

I asked him to help me call my bank on the house phone.  He called an operator at one number but it didn’t work, then tried another.  Unsurprisingly for me, he was told that he couldn’t call collect to Canada.  I tried to call the phone number on the landline, but we have a rotary phone (with push buttons) so it didn’t work.  I ended up calling my bank on my cell phone. I probably should have done that in the first place.  

Things got sorted out, but I need a replacement card.  Sigh. 

F and I didn’t go out tonight.  He wasn’t doing too well and I didn’t have a real need for anything.  He’ll have to take me out tomorrow though.

We had showers and even found time for a bit of real conversation tonight. That was nice. It’s been a while.  

When I was blogging I came across a tribute I had written to a student of mine that was killed and I spent the last half hour or so reading information about the case.  It’s been twenty years, but there are new tests and they have some new leads.  I hope they catch the person that did it. 

That’s about it. It’s been a bit of a busy, emotional day so I need to go and get some sleep. Not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow.  Please come on back and find out, if you are interested.  Until tomorrow….

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