October 9, 2019

Wednesday - Clear and cool

I overslept this morning, I was shocked with myself. I ended up getting up after my alarms had stopped. I think I just slept through them all. I even went to bed fairly early last night.

I had a very quiet day around the house. I didn’t see K at all, she kept to her room today, so we didn’t cross paths. I didn’t do any laundry either. 

When F called to say he was coming back I reminded him that I wasn’t cooking tonight so he asked me to think of a place to go. I suggested one of the Keiten Sushi places, so he picked the one.  We went to Kappa Sushi with K and had an okay time! I ordered some fries for us, but K ate most of them. Not a big deal really.  We had a lot of sushi, and at one point I told F to stop ordering K so much. She’s a little old lady, she can’t eat as much as us.  Five seconds later she announced that she was full, so I guess I know, right?  

After we finished, we brought her back to the house and then set out again.  I “made” F take me to a coffee place tonight. I didn’t get to leave the house yesterday and I didn’t want to only go to the restaurant and then the grocery store. 
The coffee was fine, but F did his usual bit of being absorbed in his phone, so I followed suit. We got some groceries afterwards and then came back to the house.

I did up the garbage for tomorrow. I threw out a few things from the fridge and around the kitchen. Last week when I was away F did the gomi organizing and didn’t put new liners in the kitchen drain or the corner box. I was a tad annoyed. He had done the garbage bag in the bin but hadn’t put it in properly.  

I came upstairs and watched the first episode of the new show New Amsterdam. I rather enjoyed it. My BFF in Canada told me that it was a good show, so I was predisposed to like it!

And that’s about it for today. It is getting colder at night, definitely. I cleared off the heater and dusted it today so that we can use it soon. We probably will. I’m wearing a big sweater over my pyjamas and I have another sweater wrapped around my legs!

Tomorrow I have an exciting day of cooking and laundry planned!  Come back for it and see what else I get up to. Until tomorrow….

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