November 18, 2019

Monday - Rainy and dark

I got up this morning, almost when I should, and watched the news as usual. I vegged a little this morning and then was called down by K because I had a postcard. It was telling me about the Teachers Meetup next month. Sadly, I’ve decided not to go as it is too close to my trip.

I went downstairs around 11:30 and started working on my soup. I used a new recipe today and it didn’t take too long to do. I’m quite slow with all of my chopping though. K popped in a few times, I think I was taking up her lunchtime. Sorry….Finally, it was all in the slow cooker and I set it and forgot about it!

I had a quiet afternoon. I watched one show off the DVR and a bit of YouTube. I just wasn’t feeling anything today.  

I went downstairs around 5 to do dishes and work on dinner.  After that, I went back upstairs. F had called earlier to say that he would be late.  I decided I’d come back in 30 minutes and put dinner together.

I came upstairs and used my computer for a while. I went back down, and while I was starting to get things ready, F called to say he was coming. I asked him to pick up some salad dressing as we were nearly out of it. He said he would.

I made some curried tuna, sliced some croissants, got the salad out and plated it, and took some of it out to the table. K was there and asked about F. His car pulled into the driveway just then and I told her he was back now! 

We had a good dinner. The soup was really good, the curried tuna was nice too and dinner got good reviews.  No one had seconds on my soup though, and I thought it was delicious. That made me sad.

F came in the kitchen and “helped me”.  I shouldn’t really put it in quotes because he DID help me, it is just his timing was off. I needed a second or two to put things away and wrap the leftovers, he started washing dishes from the get-go. He kept getting in my way and me in his. Sigh. I also wanted to cool down my slow cooker before he washed it, he grabbed it when it was still too hot in my opinion.  

He came upstairs when he was done, I followed a few minutes later. He was in bed and using his computer. I watched a bit of TV and checked out Facebook, that kind of thing. 

We didn’t go out, which means that I didn’t go out of the house all day. Sigh. Tomorrow F will be late he said, so I may not get out of the house then either. I might take myself off for a walk if the weather is okay though. Two days of house arrest is enough for me. 

I did get a start on a Christmas Ornament project for the exchange I am in. It looks rather cute if you ask me.

That’s really about it for me. Tomorrow it sounds like I’ll be doing dinner duty with K by myself. Oh well. I hope she likes my soup!

Come back later if you will and see what I get up to. Until tomorrow….

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