November 5, 2019

Tuesday - Guy Fawkes Day 

I had a pretty decent day today.  I got up in the morning, did a bit of laundry…yesterday I dropped food on a new shirt and wanted to wash it out as soon as possible. I think the mark came out.  

I managed not to see K for most of the day. I’m not quite sure how I manage that, I do wonder if she avoids me too!  I don’t try to stay out of her way usually, it just seems that I don’t bump into her very often.

I watched a bit of TV off the DVR and also tried a new/old thing. In my blog a few years ago I had tried to declutter a bit using a system a blog buddy had used…on the first of the month, you throw away one thing, on the second two, and so on.  Well, since I hadn’t done any of it yet, I had to throw away 15 things to catch up.  It was quite easy and some places look better already. Yay.

In the later part of the afternoon, I did a little Postcrossing. I’m feeling quite behind at it. I didn’t do any last month at all. The way my life is here, I just don’t have the time. I think it is because we go out most evenings, whereas, at the apartment, we didn’t. 

After 5:30 or so, I went to the kitchen and got a start on dinner. I made a kind of stew tonight with chicken. It was from a roux packet, but it is quite nice. F came back to the house as I was getting started, but I had done all the prep so it didn’t take too long really.

I set the table and F heated up the rice for me. We served the stew on rice with some salad and mini-tomatoes on the side. Oh, the mini-tomatoes!  I had bought a small carton of them last night and left them on the table overnight. Tomatoes don’t taste that good if they are put in the refrigerator in my opinion.  Anyway, this morning when I went into the kitchen, half of the tomatoes were gone! During the day a few more disappeared.  I thought it was a bit funny, but really I had a sneaking suspicion that would happen. I can’t eat the tomatoes, so K was only taking tomatoes from her dinner and F’s dinner too.  

Dinner was quite good, K even said it was delicious. Yay.  Of course, F didn’t come and help with the dishes afterwards. I’m getting really, really annoyed at that. I know he’s tired, but he could come and keep me company, that would be nice.

After everything was finished, F wanted to go and take a bath. I changed into some dry clothes and then we went off to the onsen. I grabbed a chair and listened to a podcast of The Guilty Feminist while doing some crochet. I’m on the second last row of my doily.  After that, I can start my Christmas decoration for the Exchange I’m in. I have NO idea what to make!

I just vanished to do a whole lot of internet stuff just now, did you miss me?  I’m a busy person, honestly.

Where was I?  Oh, the onsen.  Well, we spent a bit over an hour there, then came into Tsuruoka again. We had an overlong coffee at Komeda and then bought more than a few groceries at MaxValu. I got a few things to stretch tomorrow’s dinner AND something for dinner on Thursday. Yay me. Except I have to cook it!

We came back to the house. I took a quick shower after we unpacked the groceries. I came upstairs just in time to watch The Handmaid’s Tale. It’s getting good, but it is so, so weird.  I loved the book though, and this is almost as good.

That’s about it.  Tomorrow I hope to do more Postcrossing, decluttering and maybe putting of stuff into a suitcase to get it out of the way! Fingers crossed anyway. 

Come back later if you like and see what I get up to. Until tomorrow….

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