February 29, 2020

Saturday - Sunny and warm, rainy at night

Today turned out to be a decent day, happily enough. We slept in a little. F didn’t get up and go to the onsen this morning, which was okay.

We got ready in the morning and went to the doctor’s office. Things were fine there. It was surprisingly not that busy today. There was hardly anyone there. We were in and out in about an hour, which was pretty fast for that place. I did some crochet while I was there, that was relaxing!

After we finished, we went on the search for lunch. It was a bit of a search today! The first two or three places we tried were quite busy, didn’t have parking, or didn’t have food for me!  We ended up going to Youme-Shokudo and had a nice meal. I had chicken steak and it had yellow curry on the side. The only thing was they didn’t give me a way to eat the curry!  I ended up dipping my chicken in it, it sort of worked. 

After lunch, we headed out to the car dealership where F completed his Shakken payment. We had a nice cup of coffee there on the dealership. 

After all of that, we went back to the house and relaxed for a bit.

Later on, we had to think about dinner. I suggested that F go to the grocery store and get a few things. I would stay behind and prepare some of the radishes and the Brussel sprouts that were in the fridge, and maybe even heat up some fried rice that was in the freezer.  He liked that idea, so he went off to the store, and I went to the kitchen. 

After a bit, F came back with the main parts of our dinner. I got him to wake his mother up and start heating the living room for us, and between the two of us, we got dinner on the table. It was quite nice. The Brussel sprouts disappeared as did the radishes, so I’m glad I made them. The fried rice was good, and the things that F brought were nice too. He’d picked up some gyoza, some saba sashimi and at my request, some chicken. It was nice to do a little bit of cooking, but not all of the work of dinner, and by sending F to the store, I knew that he’d get something that he’d want to eat!

We did dishes after dinner and went upstairs briefly. In a few minutes, we went out to a few drugstores looking for masks. I’ve found out that I have to wear a mask to teach next month, so I tried to find some. We went to two drugstores and they both had signs on the door saying they were sold out!

We went to the cinema after that and bought our tickets for Marriage Story.  We had a bit of extra time so sat in the lobby and chatted. I had noticed that the cinema sold masks for people who have colds when watching a movie, so F bought us a couple!  He handed them over to me and I hid them in my purse! We only bought two, so it isn’t like we are hoarding them, unlike most of the people in Japan!

We got our popcorn and drinks and then went into the cinema.  We were the only people watching the movie tonight. Oh no!  And, Marriage Story was good. It was sad, well-acted, and well-written. I liked it a lot, and so did F. 

After the movie we just came back to the house. I would have gone somewhere, but to be honest, it was late, and it wasn’t a big deal.  I watched a bit of TV, which was a good thing. I didn’t realize that there were two episodes of The Blacklist on tonight, I’d only set the DVR for one of them. 

And that’s about it for me. It was a nice day, which really surprised me. Tomorrow I’m having lunch with a friend and a friend of hers…hopefully! She wanted to go to a place that when I checked is closed on Sundays, so I’m not sure what we’ll do instead.  Come back later and find out.  Until tomorrow….

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