March 29, 2020

Sunday - Cool but fine

Although it was forecast that we’d have snow, we didn’t. Other parts of Japan weren’t so lucky. I’m not complaining though!

We slept in fairly late, but I got up around 11 I think, F a short time later. He decided to get his mother a bento for dinner and then we’d go out for ours. It was okay with me. He went off and I finished getting dressed.

We went to Foodever as we haven’t been there in a long time. It wasn’t too busy. F and I both had the Gapao rice. It was great! Afterwards, we walked over to the coffee shop area and had a coffee and some cheesecake. They’d made it with gorgonzola cheese so it was quite interesting to look at and to taste. 

We ran a lot of errands in the afternoon. We picked up some supplies at the drugstore, then went over to the hardware store. F got some pop for his mother and I picked up a few cleaning things. We ran them back to the house and went out again. 

When we were at the house, F checked out the doorbell and it seems to be broken. A friend had come by a couple of days ago, rung the bell, but I hadn’t heard it. It is broken. He wanted to get a replacement, so we went to a hardware store, but they didn’t have what he wanted. I spent my time looking at the hundred yen stuff, I didn’t get any. We made another quick visit to a drugstore before going back to the house. 

F wanted to go to the onsen tonight so the three of us packed ourselves into the car. We went to the onsen and K and F took themselves off to the bath. I sat in the lobby and crocheted. An elderly lady came over and looked at my project, she wanted to chat but I didn’t have the vocabulary. Still, it was very friendly and then I saw an old friend of F’s in the lobby. The elderly lady turned out to be his mother.  Whew! I’m so glad that I was nice to her.  F came out a few minutes later but hadn’t seen his friend.

F wouldn’t wait until I had finished my row of crochet so I bundled it back into my bag and we went for dinner in the restaurant there. I had yakiniku without rice or miso soup, F had a tempura donburi and K had ice cream again. I’m not sure why she is doing that! Maybe she likes it, which is fine, but it isn’t really dinner.

We drove her back to the house and then F and I grabbed the kerosene tanks and went off to do more shopping.  We bought some groceries. I tried to get a few extras in case we’re going to be quarantined. We picked up some kerosene and then F finally listened to me and bought a bit more gas for the car. I get quite annoyed when he doesn’t keep enough gas in the car. We nearly got caught out after the big earthquake in 2011, we really don’t need to run the risk of not having enough.

We came back to the house and had a quiet evening in. I watched some of Sherlock which D-Life is running before they shut down. Their final day is March 31 and they are running a lot of series in their entirety. I am quite depressed just thinking about not having D-Life anymore. 

Anyway, that was my weekend. Tomorrow I’m hoping to do laundry and perhaps a bit of work on F’s jeans. Oh, and I do have two lessons to plan for Thursday, so I had better get on that! 

Come back later if you like and see what I end up doing. Until tomorrow….

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