August 10, 2020

Monday - Hot and Sunny

We both got up around 9 am today. F had to go to work, so he got up and dressed. I got up and dressed a little later.

I had a quiet but nice day by myself. I didn’t see K at all. She spent a lot of the day sleeping. I had the windows open up here for hours, but turned on the air conditioner when the temperature reached 32 degrees. I even took a picture of the thermometer in case there was an incident like last week. 

I knew that F would be back around four, so I started to work on his mask. I was nearly done, so I sewed the elastic together after I threaded it through the mask. I even attached some rubber stoppers so that the elastic is adjustable. I followed it up with a good pressing. Done. Now it is up to F to deal with!

F called me and I missed it so I had to call him back. He was finished work. He came back to the house, changed and then the two of us went out for a drink.

We went to Komeda Coffee and had kakigori. They were fabulous, but it was a really stupid thing to do as we were planning to go and have dinner quite soon. After an hour in the store, we went back to the house.
Mixed Berry Kakigori with Soft Ice Cream Courtesy of Komeda Coffee.

F kept asking me if I was ready to go out and the answer was no. I’d mentioned Hayashi chuuka earlier to him so he had a bee in his bonnet about having it out somewhere. I didn’t want it anymore but would have had it, I just wasn’t hungry. Around 7 pm he asked me again and I told him truthfully that I wasn’t hungry. I suggested that he take his mother out and I’d stay here. He left the room after a bit.

I went downstairs to use the washroom a little later and he was in the kitchen making it his noodle dish. I wished him well but requested that he not make any for me. I’m afraid that I don’t like the sauce that F uses. He uses it for nabes too and I hate his nabe sauce. 

I came back upstairs again. I honestly wasn’t hungry until about 8:30. When F came back upstairs after his dinner I waited a bit and went downstairs to get mine. No idea what to have. I ended up with a frozen naan, heated up and then made into a tuna and cheese pizza with olives! It was really good. I brought it upstairs to eat.

A while after I’d eaten F asked if I was still hungry. I wasn’t. He then asked if I was ready to go out. I wasn’t. By this time I was in my tank top and a pair of shorts…not going out clothing. I had planned to buy groceries tonight but thought that he didn’t want to go out. Also, I was going to watch The Bachelor so wanted to relax and see what it was like.

Well, after the first hour of the broadcast, I turned it off. Bleck. Not my kind of show at all. It takes the whole thing much too seriously and I can’t help wondering if people really buy into that kind of thing. I don’t!

So that’s about it for me. I did tell F that I’d probably ask to go for groceries after dinner tomorrow. The dinner that I haven’t been shopping for and have no idea what on earth I’m going to make. That should be fun!

Come back later if you like and see what I get up to. Until tomorrow….

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