August 3, 2020

Monday - Hot and a little muggy

I went to bed to sleep before F did last night. He was in bed, but he was watching stuff on his computer. He wasn’t sleeping and I was trying to!

I got up this morning to an empty room. I got up and relaxed a bit. Later I did something I’ve been putting off for a while. I cleaned my fan! It was quite dirty. I unplugged it, took the cage off and wiped the blades and the cage itself. It seems to work better afterwards.

When I was downstairs getting my breakfast, K gave me a postcard. I haven’t sent any for ages, but I still got one in the mail. Yay. 

I had planned to work on my masks today, but I didn’t get around to it. I wanted to do laundry today too, but F had left laundry in the washing machine. I had no idea if it was dirty or clean or what. I left it and I think K took care of it later.

I watched a couple of movies today, which surprised me. I saw Anna and the Apocalypse which was a hoot. It was a teenage musical about a zombie infestation. I really liked it a lot. Later on, I watched a movie I recorded this morning. It was called Piercing and was very weird. I didn’t like it at all. Glad I didn’t pay to see it.

F popped in for a few minutes and brought me an ice cream so that was nice! I had a later lunch because of that. Today’s lunch was mostly leftovers. I had couscous and chicken…it was lovely. 

I went downstairs and started dinner at 5:15 or so. Tonight I was making Bangers and Mash and it turned out well. I did something a little different, I caramelized an onion while I was prepping other things. I peeled potatoes, got them boiling, got the sausages on to cook and made some gravy in the microwave. Things went quite well. F helped by putting salad in the bowls and taking them out to the table. It was a help. Dinner was good and I think everyone enjoyed it. 

I did all the dishes, which was not too bad, it just took a while. F had made K put on the air conditioner after he came back to the house. It was on during our meal too and then while I was doing dishes too. It was nice. However, as soon as F went upstairs, she turned off the AC. Ack! I got her to turn it back on but she really didn’t want to. I was dying in the hot kitchen. Honestly woman…I deserve to be cool. 

When I came upstairs I basically took off my working clothes and put on a lounging dress. F and I had a chat for a bit and it was nice, then I went over to my computer. I tried the TV and found that The Poseidon Adventure was on, the original one. We watched it and it was fun. It’s so silly, but I liked it a lot.

That’s basically it for the day. I did a text chat with my BFF so that was lovely. I drank a bit too much tea but I did need to replace some of the liquids in my body since I sweated so much!

I’m not sure what I’m going to get up to tomorrow. Come back and find out. Isn’t it exciting?  Until tomorrow….

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