September 16, 2020

Wednesday - Cloudy and cool

Today was another odd day!  It started out fine. I got up a little early and then went back to bed and slept quite late. I was getting up a bit later when F called to say that the plumbers were on their way back to the house. Yikes! I threw on my clothes and went downstairs. I got there in time.  There were two men again this time and F even popped in for a minute or two.  

During the morning when they were there, we couldn’t use the water. I should say, I couldn’t use the water. K was sleeping!  Good for her missing all of it I say. They left around noon and luckily K got up around then. I made sure that she knew they were going to be back and that she used the toilet.  

I hung around for a bit in the afternoon, but K was around too, so I didn’t feel the same amount of pressure. I was surprised when they finally left sometime around 4 pm.  They had been working on the pipes for a long time.  I had my lunch around 3, which was super late, even for me. Nice person that I am, I gave K some of last night’s leftovers, since I wasn’t sure if she ate.

After I realized the men had left I did a little dance. Not really. I watched the news and I tried to relax. Failed mostly!

Around 5:30, I went downstairs to start dinner and wash the mound of dishes that were left from not having water all day. I did wash them, let them air dry for a change. 

I got stuck into dinner. I made Japanese style curry tonight and it wasn’t difficult. I made a huge pot of it though because I don’t want to cook a lot tomorrow! F had told me he’d be late because he had a meeting after work in Sakata. 

I followed the curry packet directions and had the curry cooking away. It was nice smelling.  I had just served up plates for K and I when F came in.  I was really surprised to see him since he hadn’t called at all.  I told him that he could eat right away if he liked and I gave him my dish of curry and got myself another one. 

The curry went over quite well and everyone finished their plates. F actually had two plates, which I think he regretted later. 

After dinner, F collapsed on the living room floor. I reminded him that I needed to go out but he said he couldn’t move. That meant no.

I went into the kitchen and did the dishes. I listened to a couple of podcasts so at least I enjoyed myself! I had done as much cleaning as I could along the way, so it wasn’t really terrible. 

After I finished, I went into the living room again. F was half asleep on the floor so I told him I was going upstairs and then I did.

I didn’t really see F again until 10:30 or so. He did offer to take me out then but honestly, why? The only store that would still be open wouldn’t have what I wanted and I had decided to go and take my shower now anyway. 

We did have a little snuggle because I realized that I did feel bad for F. It wasn’t his fault that he had to work late and since it was our second of the two anniversaries, I wanted to do something “marriage-y”! I think he felt better afterwards.

I remembered I had to do up the garbage, so came back upstairs to do that, then got the stuff in the kitchen ready to go out too.  

I showered and then came upstairs. I didn’t watch my TV show, I’ll catch up with it tomorrow probably.

That’s about my day. It was different. Usually I’m a hermit in my room, but I was out of the room for a while. I also read a book on my phone while I was hanging around, so yay me. 

Come back later if you want and hear all about my Thursday. Until tomorrow….

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