October 13, 2020

Tuesday - Clear and warm

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I had no idea what time it was, F had already left and I hadn’t heard him at all. I went downstairs. I did see K briefly, and nodded, but didn’t say much to her. 

I came back upstairs, discovered that the DVR hadn’t recorded the news so that was annoying. I tried to watch another broadcast of news, but it was the “curated” type from all over the world. They usually intro the story in Japanese, play the news clip and then talk more about it. If the clip is an English one I’m fine, if it isn’t I’m quite lost usually. 

I had a snooze and overslept a little bit. I should have done some laundry, but decided not to do that. I grabbed my breakfast and came upstairs. I ended up watching some programming off the DVR. I also ended up watching Hellboy, the original one which was sort of fun. 

I did have a visitor this afternoon, F came by and I gave him a cup of decaf. I’m so nice! I had also grabbed a bunch of his socks from downstairs and tried to pair them. F decided to try doing it while he was there. I was a bit sad as I had planned to do that in the afternoon, but they were his socks! It serves him right for buying black socks all the time!

He went back to work and I ended up watching the news at 4 pm. 

I went down to prepare dinner at 5:30. Tonight we had basil sautéed chicken, salad, my soup, some bread, F and K had rice and I had couscous. It was quite nice. As usual, I got no help with either dinner prep or clean up. I think I should request a wage, or maybe I should be grateful they aren’t giving me crusts of bread.

After I had done the dishes I came upstairs. I needed a break before going out. Well, F was out for the count! He took a snooze. I decided that I’d wake him up at 9:00 pm if he didn’t wake himself up before. I needed a break and obviously, so did he. 

F woke up all by himself just after 9, so we went out to the grocery store. I tried to get F interested in going out for a drink too, but he wasn’t into it. We went all around the store getting our items and dinner for the next couple of nights. When we got to the check out though…F looked at his wallet and panicked. It was empty of money (but not crap…how much junk does he keep in there and why?) He asked if I had any and luckily for him I had a bit of emergency cash hidden away. I gave it to him and he promised to give it back tomorrow night. He’d better!  I know where he lives.

We came back to the house, unpacked the groceries. I relaxed a bit more before I took a shower. F was nice and carried my water bottles for my water pot back upstairs for me. Usually I have to do it. 

And that was about my day. I watched Criminal Minds which was a weird one about a guy with Mandela Syndrome, which I had never heard of before. 

Tomorrow I should do laundry and perhaps I’ll even get out of the house under my own steam for a bit. That would be really nice. 

Oh, one last thing. I found out last night just before I went to bed that Yahoo Groups, which was butchered by Yahoo last year, is going to close this year. As my women’s group still uses Yahoo for much of its communication this could be a problem. As I am a moderator on one of the groups, it causes me a little bit of unrest. I think I will likely step back and let someone else have a go at being a moderator. If they want to do it that is!

Come back later if you will and hear what I get up to on Wednesday. Until tomorrow….


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