October 22, 2020

Thursday - Sunny, rainy at night

I woke up a bit late this morning as I hadn’t set my alarm for early and then I turned it off. I didn’t get up until a bit later. F told me that he was heading off to the onsen with his mother, so I got up and got dressed.

While they were out, I took care of a personal chore, then watched the news and had a cup of tea.

When F came back to the room, we chatted about what to do first. He asked about lunch and I suggested going to his favourite fish restaurant. He could use the coupon in the local food discount book and I could have something else from the menu. He liked that idea!

We drove over to the restaurant and were lucky enough to get a room with a table.  Unfortunately for me, the lunch of the day was sashimi and fried oysters, neither of which I really wanted, but I ordered it anyway! I was fine. I’m not generally an oysters fan, but if I had to eat them, I’d prefer to eat these ones! The sashimi was good too.

After lunch, we went to the Post Office. I needed to mail my sister’s present. I had pre-registered the contents yesterday, so it was quite easy today. When the lady went over the contents with me, I showed her a picture of them! I’ve had a few interesting times trying to explain what things are at the counter, so decided yesterday I’d try using a photograph!  It worked! The lady took a look at it, saw nothing dangerous and accepted the box. Woot!

We came back to the house for a while. I took a nap, and so did F.

I got up at 4 to watch the news. After the news was over, we went to the local grocery store and picked up a bento for K.  We dropped it off for her. 

Then, F dropped me off at the mall and went on his way to have a massage. Yay me, an hour or more to myself at the mall! Too bad it is a small mall.  I hit up the hundred yen shop first. I needed a new soap dispenser for the bathroom, then I picked up a few other things. 

I went downstairs and had some ice cream at Baskin Robbins. It was nice (Hoji-cha brûlée and Jamocha Almond Fudge, thanks for asking). I followed that up with some iced Rooibos tea at Doutor. I was doing the Facebook thing when F called to say his massage was done and he was on his way to pick me up. I walked to the front door of the mall and he got there about 10 seconds before I did!

When I got in the car, we talked about dinner and he suggested the new Indian restaurant.  I was happy since I was going to suggest that too! 

We went to the Masala Master and had a really nice meal. It was huge but good. I had keema sag tonight and F had pork sag curry. We both had a couple of naans each. Yum.

After our meal, we visited the drugstore quickly and then hit up the grocery store. We got some detergent. We are exciting people!

We did a quick grocery shop at MaxValu and then came back to the house. F is already in bed. He’s tired, even though he didn’t work today. He has to go back tomorrow though. 

I didn’t take a shower tonight, I wasn’t feeling it. I did a little YouTubing and read some emails, the usual. 

Tomorrow I must get started on my column. I thought I’d done the topic before and I have, but it was 6 years ago. I can probably eliminate some of the films that I’ve done before and find some new ones to write about. Also, I realized that since it is the last column of the year I usually list my favourite films of the year. I’ve only seen 20 this year…thanks Covid19 for making it hard to get good movies in this small city.

Come back later if you will and hear all about Friday. Until tomorrow….

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