December 2, 2020

Wednesday - Cool but clear!

I got up this morning before my alarm again. I hate that! F had already left for work, so I made a quick trip downstairs and then watched the news from the bed. I watched it a bit later than usual so I naturally fell asleep on the non-English news. Sigh.

I did wake up before 10, got dressed and went downstairs for my breakfast. I couldn’t force myself to do any laundry though today. After I had breakfast, I worked a little on my gift that I was sending. I wrapped it up and made it look nice. 

A bit after 1pm I think, I decided to leave. I changed into bike riding clothes, packed my backpack with the cards I was sending, my box, and some printer cartridges I was hoping to recycle. I rode off to the post office. I did fairly well. I got my box sent off without a hitch. Yay for that. I was going to send my cards immediately too, but realized I hadn’t sealed them at all! Since I was wearing a mask, I didn’t want to take it off to lick the envelopes, so I used their roller thing to put stamps on for the envelopes. They got a bit wet, but it mostly worked. 

I got all my cards sent off too, but as usual, they didn’t seem to know where Scotland is! I had even helpfully written “United Kingdom” underneath that, but they still asked if it was “Igarisu”. Sort of. I gave them the 10 second geography of Britain lesson. It was all quite light hearted and nobody was upset. Hurray for that. Sadly, they didn’t  have a recycling box for the printer inks, but they referred me to the grocery store, which did. Unfortunately, I didn’t really want to go to the grocery store today, so I went back across the street to the drugstore. There was a Yamabushi roaming around the area...I didn't snag a picture, sad to say. I think there was more than one, because I kept hearing the shell that they blow...the one that sounds like a lovestruck cow!

I did a little retail therapy and then came back to the house. My knee was protesting a bit on the way back. I parked my bike and then came inside.

K was still missing in action, so it was likely that she didn’t know I had gone. I got myself my lunch. I had half of yesterday’s chili leftovers, I left the rest for K. I took my lunch upstairs and enjoyed it.

I watched the news and then a bit of a documentary about prisons in Norway. That was interesting. 

F called me about 5:30 so I went downstairs to start dinner. I had asked him if he wanted chicken or fish tonight. Of course, he picked fish. Tonight I did a frozen stir-fry pack from the grocery store. It had salmon and some vegetables and I just had to defrost it and then stir-fry it. It turned out okay although it looked burnt. It really wasn’t. I also did a sautéed mushroom dish and served it with rice for K and F, plus some couscous for me. I gave them instant miso soup and I had instant cream of mushroom soup. 

F was trying to work on some kind of heating system for me tonight. He had an old kerosene heater in the kitchen and he was fixing the plug. He never really explained it. I tried to take things to the table around him. I was so damn cold in there tonight. I don’t know what kind of idiot doesn’t put a heating/cooling system in a kitchen. 

Anyway, when I got everything on the table we ate and it was quite nice. There were only a few leftovers, which I put away for tomorrow night. 

When I cleared the table to get started on the dishes, I got a nasty surprise. My beloved husband had stacked the pans I used tonight in the dishpan. He’d put my little frypan inside my nonstick stir-fry pan. ACK! I never put metal inside that. He’s done this to me before with other pans, but that non-stick stir-fry pan is something that I bought myself before he was even in the picture, and it is quite precious to me. I said a few nasty words and got it out of the sink. 

I did the dishes and listened to a podcast. First it was the news, then a bit of The Guilty Feminist. I came upstairs when I was done.

We had a fairly quiet night. F thought I wanted to go out tonight, but I didn’t. Tomorrow night is better. I did up the garbage in the kitchen and went through the fridge with F so I could throw out the stuff we don’t need anymore. There was a surprising amount in there. K gets food and then doesn’t eat it. 

I took a shower and then came back upstairs and watched New Amsterdam. I’m quite liking the show. The characters are interesting and the stories are good. I was surprised to see that Shaun Cassidy, my former teen idol is a producer on the show. (I’ve actually know that for a while.)

Anyway that’s about it for me. I’ve done a few more partial angels, I just have to make a few more parts and then I can sew them together. I’m not sure if I’ll need more or not, but they are fun to make and look very sweet. 

Tomorrow I’m not sure what I’ll get up to. I have a Zoom meeting in the morning maybe and I have to cook tomorrow night too. Hmm. Come back later and see what happens around here. Until tomorrow…. 

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