Thursday - Rainy, warmer
Today was a tad odd! I went to bed around 1 or 1:30 for a change last night. I wanted F to go to sleep and not blame me for staying up as late as usual for him not sleeping. It worked. He did wake up before his alarm and got ready to leave. I did wake up just a tad and said goodbye to him. I went back to sleep.
I next woke up around 5 am. I went downstairs to the washroom. It was really noisy outside, it sounded like the snowploughs were outside again. (They were.) When I came back upstairs, I spent a bit of time on my phone. I had my bedside light on for a few minutes and suddenly I heard steps on the stairs. F popped in to grab his phone! He’d forgotten it. He said the snowplough was on the road. I heard him drive away. It sounded like it was a bit hard to get out of the driveway. I went back to sleep. I slept through my alarms but woke up around 9. I watched the news and then got myself up out of bed.
I got dressed, went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast. I checked the snow situation outside and the snowplough had gone by, leaving us a little wall blocking the driveway. Sigh.
I went outside a little after 11 am and shovelled and moved some snow. It was quite wet outside, but I got the wall moved away. I went back inside, grabbed my breakfast and ate upstairs.
A bit after 1 pm F called me to say that he had finished work and was on his way back. Woot.
He arrived back here a little before two pm. I assumed that he’d want to go to bed, but he didn’t. We decided to go out for lunch and then he started talking about going out to the mall to get my purse redone. I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. I was worried about him being tired, but he said he was okay.
We went to Tai, the ramen/curry restaurant. F had his ramen and a small curry, I had curry with chicken cutlet. We both got salads with ours and we had drink bar too. We enjoyed our lunch. It wasn’t fab, but it was just fine.
F insisted on going out to the mall, however, he worried me by going the wrong way at first! He turned around and we drove out to the mall. We went up to the tailor/repair shop and it was the same woman who took my handbag in the first place. F talked to her and she apologized for making the mistake sewing my bag handle on. Anyway, she asked us to come back in 30 minutes and she would fix the bag. Woot!
I went and looked at yarn but I was disappointed. There wasn’t anything that I liked or would want to splurge on, so I left without buying anything. F had gone to get cream for his hands and when he came back to get me, we still had 20 minutes to wait. He suggested going for ice cream. Woot.
We went to Baskin Robbins and had ice cream. It was a nice treat. F had popping shower and thirty one Party or something similar. I had Melty Stollen and Ruby chocolate. They were both great.
We went back to the repair shop and my purse was done, and it was fixed. Hurray! We didn’t have to pay any more of course.
Since we were in the department store, I suggested going to the grocery area and getting a little something to go with dinner. I didn’t think there was enough to go the stew leftovers. F picked up some chicken with a shiso filling, that was nice.
We came back to the house and relaxed for a bit. F wasn’t hungry and neither was I. K was up for a change, she was watching sumo when we got back. She loves her sumo.
After an hour I went downstairs and started heating up the stew and some other things. I put everything on the table, called F down, and we had dinner. It was nice, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Unfortunately, everyone except me was unavailable to do dishes. I did them and listened to a couple of podcasts. Not really a big deal, just a bit sad.
I came upstairs. F was in bed, which was good, but he didn’t sleep. I think he started sleeping quite late. He has the day off tomorrow, so will go to the doctor in the morning and then who knows.
I’ll end this here. I’m not sure what will happen tomorrow, come back later and find out! Until tomorrow….
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