January 9, 2021

Saturday - Cold with lots of snow.

I went to bed very late last night, somewhere around 4 I think. F was asleep long before me. I woke up around 10 when my alarm went off. I stayed in bed a bit longer and got up around 11.  F was in bed for ages, he never really got up in the morning. 

I wanted to go out shopping today because I used up a few of our kitchen staples yesterday, so I decided I might have to shovel snow. F was sleeping, so I went downstairs with my coat and opened the front door. I looked out and very nearly closed the door again! There was so much snow out there. So much. 

Before I left the house. Yes, that is F's car under all that.

I went outside and had to wade through the snow just to get the shovel. I took a few minutes to get the steps cleared off again, and then did a lot in the area. I got the step area done and then I had to go and do around the car. I got to the road. Of course, the snowplough had gone through overnight. I cleared a lot of snow today! I thought F might come out and help or something, but he didn’t. In fact, when I went back inside, he was still in bed watching YouTube. 

After my hard work. I think I deserve a medal!

After a little rest, I tried to suggest that we should go out.  I did suggest that we have a bite to eat before we went out. I offered to heat up my casserole from yesterday, get out a couple of bagels and just generally grab a snack. It turned out more like a meal. We heated up the living room,  I made some miso soup and we all had a nice meal. I had made some chicken salad and tuna salad. We really did have a good nosh. 

After dinner, I washed most of the dishes, but F came and did a few near the end. 

We went upstairs. I still expected that we’d go out, but F’s stomach wasn’t good again, so he just vegged. We didn’t go out. Sigh. It got late and although F offered to take me out, I told him no. If we had got stuck somewhere, it would be horrid to dig ourselves out then. 

We had a quiet night in. I watched a little YouTube and some TV, ate some popcorn and did a little crochet. Or a lot, I guess it depends how you think of it.  The blanket is growing. I think it is almost a third done. Woot. 

And really that is my day. I really hope that F is up to going out tomorrow because I haven’t been out of the house, except for snow shovelling, since Tuesday and I need to get out and get groceries and something from the drugstore for my heel. It’s cracked and very painful. Poor me!

I am almost out of here. Come back later if you like and read all about my Sunday adventures. Until tomorrow….


Mid-Life Living said...

Oh my gosh Helen, look at all that snow. I can't imagine it, but I would love to experience it. When I was in Tokyo/Saitama, it hardly ever snowed (except a few years ago there was one really good downfall). But, of course, everyone and everything shut down.

Helen said...

It doesn't usually shut everything down up here because is isn't all that unusual, but we're at the stage now where there isn't anywhere to put the snow! Shovelling for me is hard because I can only shovel UP and I'm quite short!

I was in the Tokyo area when they got that big snow storm...it was horrible. I still have nightmares about being trapped on a train with too many people.

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