February 24, 2021

Wednesday - Cold and windy

I woke up with my alarm this morning and was surprised that it was morning! I got up, went downstairs and then came back, watched the news and then had a tiny snooze. I got up later and then went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast.

I had a quiet day today. I did do something constructive though, I went through my clothes and picked out my most “teacher” like clothes. I also put a few clothes away that don’t fit any more and that need to be gifted or thrown away. So, even though I didn’t do my 5 items thing for a few days, I may have caught up today! I will have to do some ironing soon, sad to say.

Around 5:25 I was “summoned” downstairs just as F called me. I got an envelope from K. I got the card back that I sent to my brother for Christmas. I didn’t notice, but I had him in my address book twice and I wrote his old address on his card. Sigh. F called at around the same time to say he was on the way. 

I went downstairs and got a start on dinner. I had planned the meal last night when I went shopping. I had chicken to bake, salad, and I planned to make ravioli from the freezer with some lovely Alfredo sauce. I decided to cook some of the carrots in the fridge and also a few mushrooms. 

I was busy in the kitchen. F came back, but wasn’t feeling too well. I was worried about him as usual. I started setting the table while I finished up the cooking. K pointed out some food on the side of the table. Apparently F’s sister had been by today and had brought food. Well, it would have been nice if I had known about it. Also, it had been sitting out in the living room for how many hours? I did offer to heat it up for her, but that wasn’t what she wanted.

When F came it turned out that his sister had brought the food for us and K had had some of it already. Power to her. I think F had something fishy, I didn’t have any of it. There was no need. I really wish K had told me earlier in the day or that F’s sister had talked to me about food. If she’s buying food for her mother it is fine, but I usually cook what I want, and I have a menu plan in mind. 

F barely ate anything because he wasn’t feeling well, K too. I was starving though so I was a bit ticked off! I ate and then I went to the kitchen and put stuff away and did the dishes. I listened to Canadian news and then I played a bit of Pride and Prejudice, followed by a bit of a podcast of Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen. I love listening to Obama, he is so thoughtful and says things in a way that I hadn’t thought about before. Springsteen is quite interesting too!

I came upstairs and F was already in bed wrapped up in the quilts he uses. He complained about being cold, despite the heater being on, him wearing a big sweater and being wrapped up in two quilts. Sigh. He’s been sleeping for a while.

I watched a bit of TV off the DVR and then tonight’s episode of Shameless. I did about 3 rows of my blanket tonight too. Woot! I turned off the TV after the programme.

Not sure what I’ll get up to on Thursday. We are supposed to have pizza for dinner tomorrow. I hope that it still works out. Come back later and hear how my day goes. Until tomorrow….

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