February 26, 2021

Friday - Windy and cold

Today was a busy day for me. I woke up early, thanks hubby for that. Then, I went back to bed and slept a bit later than I meant to. Oh well. 

When I got up, I did a couple of loads of laundry and redid my tea box. Before I  had put all of my favourites in the bottom, rather than on top where I would see them! Don’t anybody give me more tea! I can’t buy any either.

I vacuumed the heater today and did a little bit of the room. I couldn’t do much more because the bag was full and I couldn’t find the extras. I swept the hallway too, for extra busyness. 

I had a fairly quiet day, and never did get around to watching any TV until the afternoon news came on. F called around 5:30 so I went downstairs to get ready for dinner.

Tonight was Pizza Part Two.  I also made guacamole so we had an Italian/Mexican thing going on! It was also a using up leftovers night! We had salad, pizza and tortilla chips with salsa and guacamole.  Dinner was quite nice! K didn’t eat that much, F and I did eat quite a bit, which was good.

After dinner I did the dishes, listening to podcasts and more of Pride and Prejudice. It’s quite nice listening to it this time. I haven’t listened to a book in ages. 

I came upstairs after doing the dishes and F came up later. I had hoped to watch something, but decided that I needed to take a shower more. After I did that, I watched The Good Wife and then an episode of Absentia. Around 1 pm I put the TV on again and watched Top Secret! I haven’t seen it in years and it was pretty funny. There were a lot of jokes that wouldn’t be used nowadays, but I howled a lot at some of the sight-gags. 

And that’s about it. I’m not sure what I’ll get up to on Saturday so please come on back later and find out. Until tomorrow….

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