June 7, 2021

Monday - Muggy, sunny and hot

I woke up this morning when my phone went off. It was strange that it went off, as I had forgotten to set it last night.

I got up, did my usual morning stuff including watching the news. I even managed to watch the early news too. I did have a tiny bit of a nap. It was hard to get roused this morning. 

I went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast and brought it back upstairs. I ate and watched a bit of YouTube this morning. I tried to watch it on the bed for a bit, but couldn’t get comfortable. 

I made the decision not to cook the chicken early on. I probably should have, but sue me! I just didn’t want to hang out in the kitchen while it was cooking. 

When I went downstairs to get my lunch I got out the leftover pasta from Friday. F hadn’t given it to his mother, he never does. I decided that I’d split it with her.  I heated it up and gave her some. I came back upstairs and ate my lunch. I caught the end of a movie and didn’t like it much. At the end, I realized it was a Woody Allen film so I was doubly annoyed that I watched any of it. 

I caught the news and around 5:30 went downstairs to start to get ready to make dinner.  I started by making cucumber raita. A friend had posted the recipe on a group we’re in and I had the ingredients (because I bought them on Sunday!)

I made it and put it in the fridge for a bit, then did up the dishes. F called in the middle of this and said that he was finished work, but he had to go shopping before he came back to the house. 

I started grilling the chicken.  It took a bit, but I was happy because I have a meat thermometer so could tell if it was thoroughly cooked. The smaller chicken breast cooked faster so I took it out to rest a bit before I sliced it up. I also toasted some pita bread that I had taken out of the freezer yesterday.

When the big breast was finished cooking, I took it out of the grill and let it rest. I got on with the chicken salad, cutting up the other breast. I mixed in some mayo and a few green onions and it was done. I plated some salad, made a pita sandwich and put some of the raita on the plate. I took it out for K.  

I did the same for F and for me, and I called F to come down.  We had a pretty decent dinner. I wasn’t sure if K would be okay with the spicy tandori, but the raita and the mayo in the chicken salad made it quite nice. 

We all had second helpings (that we made for ourselves) and most of the dinner got eaten. Yay for that. It was darn good I have to say. 

As usual, I did the clean-up, although I was quite happy that K did bring a couple of dishes to the kitchen for me. That was a surprise! The dishes were fairly easy to do, with the exception of the grill. The pan underneath was a mess. I did a fairly good job cleaning it.

After I finished the dishes I bade K good night and went upstairs. F was already there relaxing.  I drank some caffeineless coffee and then went downstairs to take a shower.  

When I came back upstairs, I watched The Good Wife and ate some sunflower seeds. F and I bought a couple of bags on Sunday. Sigh. 

F went downstairs to take a shower and had a thing with his mother. She did something incredibly stupid that I won’t go into, but my eyes are rolling about it.

And that’s about it for my day. Tomorrow I’m going to cook a big stir-fry for dinner. I had better do some laundry too, I skipped it today. Sigh. 

Come back later if you will and hear all about my Tuesday. Until tomorrow….

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