July 25, 2021

Sunday - Hot and Sunny

I’m not sure if I can write about the day as well as I want to. It started well, had a decent bit in the middle and then ended in a blow-up in the evening. It’s been a frustrating day, y’all.

I woke up as I usually do, with F banging around the room making all sorts of noises. He finally told me that he was going to take his mother to the onsen. Fine…good, have a good time. I slept a little longer and then got dressed and took care of a personal chore I do. I finished and was relaxing again upstairs when F and his mother came back. It was quite late, around 12:45 or so.  They’d had lunch out and both of them had had haircuts. I was glad, especially for K as she was really needing one. 

F offered to take me out for lunch and somehow I thought of a place out of town that we like. F thought it would be okay, but phoned to check as we would be running very close to their last order. They said it was fine. We drove out to Bistro des Pointes in Mikawa.

In the restaurant, we both had the special lunch. I had roast duck in a red wine sauce and F had the fish of the day. As always when we go there, the food was superb. We had dessert as well. Wonderful!

Next up, we went to the Uniqlo in Mikawa to get F some new t-shirts and me some new tank tops. Sadly, they don’t have the really funky colours that they used to have. Now it is just black, grey and white, with a couple of other colours perhaps. We bought our stuff and then headed into the mall for a drink. F parked quite far away from the closest entrance. We went to Doutor first for a drink and a cool down, then back to the grocery area to look for food for dinner. I wasn’t best pleased with this idea.

F found some food he wanted, I sacrificed good taste and picked something I could probably manage to eat and we paid and left. 

Back at the house, we put some of the stuff away and F left some of it out. I couldn’t imagine leaving my chicken out on the table in 30+ degree heat, so I put it in the fridge. I went upstairs to cool down too. 

Now, what I hate about bringing food in from outside is that F wants to put everything on separate plates and he doesn’t help with the dishes. That means that I get to do twice as much work cleaning up as I would when I cook the food myself. It happened again. I came downstairs a bit early and washed some of the cherries and radishes from Costco and cut up the one and only cucumber that F has grown so far this year. 

When I came down to put things on the table a few minutes later, F was nowhere in sight. I started putting plates of food on the table in the living room, no husband. He finally showed up a bit later and immediately turned on the TV to watch Olympic Volleyball. Oh yes, he came into the kitchen to supervise me putting more stuff on more plates. I wasn’t pleased. 

I did have a nice couple of moments with K tonight. I tried to show her the fireworks, but she missed them. I also told her that the cucumber was one that F grew in the garden. She didn't understand at first but then she worked it out. She got it. I told F about it but he said that she probably didn't understand. She did. I'm a teacher dammit, I know when people really understand and when they don't. She talked to him about it a few minutes later so I was right!

We ate. The stuff that I provided was nice, the chicken which I reheated was good, but the rest of it wasn’t anything that I wanted to eat really. Of course, F was much too busy watching volleyball to come and give me a hand in the kitchen. Even though the door to the living room was open, it was insanely hot in the kitchen and I was covered in sweat. 

When I finished I told F that we still had to go out to buy groceries. I stated I would wait for him upstairs. 

He came upstairs after 10 pm and then wanted to leave immediately. Luckily I was ready. Our favourite grocery store was already closed so we had to go to the big supermarket that I don’t really like. 

I had made a list, which was a good thing as F was as scatterbrained as usual. He picked up some cucumbers, didn’t like them. The ones he did like, I didn’t want. I don’t need a bag of ten! This went on for a while.

We picked up enough food for a couple of days plus some staples for cooking, etc. Then we had to go back to the cucumbers. Eyeroll. 

At the house, I told F that I was going to watch Project Runway. It was the finale tonight. Maybe he doesn’t know what finale means? The show had started and he asked me if I would photocopy something for him. I asked if it had to be done immediately or if it could wait until the show was over. He said it could wait. During the final runway, when people were showing their 10 item collection he started whining about getting his copy. Literally whining. I have no idea why. The show would have finished in 20 more minutes. I stopped the show and made his copy. I was furious with him. Not because I didn’t want to make the copy, which I didn’t by the way, but because of the whining. I could have made the copy earlier in the show, instead of breaking up the runway procession. 

I gave him his copy and backed up my show a tad, then watched it. A few minutes after that I got a plea for glue said in a nice, sweet voice. Not the whiny brat one from ten minutes before. I let him use some glue that I had and that was that. 

He knows that I love Project Runway, I always watch it and yet, he had to interrupt me over and over again. He acts like a 7-year-old. That may be an insult to 7-year-olds. 

I can’t even look at him at the moment. I am just so annoyed with him. I told him earlier in the day that I am an Olympic Widow but he didn’t think it was funny. Neither do I. I hate the Olympics, hate them even more because they are on here, this year. Do you know that there isn’t even any news on tomorrow on my news channel? It is wall-to-wall sports. I want to throw something at the TV or maybe at the organizers of the Olympics!

Come back tomorrow if you dare and find out if I have calmed down or if I am still in this horrible mood. Until tomorrow….

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