August 1, 2021

Sunday - Hot and Humid

I got up this morning even though it was a Sunday and I’d rather stay in bed. However, I really needn’t have bothered. We didn’t do anything or go anywhere for quite a while. 

Just before 1pm, we headed out for lunch. I suggested the place down the road, Kitchen Futaba so that’s where we went. It wasn’t too busy today and I was able to get the last piece of quiche. Score! It was Zucchini and Tuna with a lot of caramelized onions and it was excellent. F had a pork donburi and even said it was okay. We came back to the house right after lunch because F said that Wrestling was going to be on TV and that’s his sport. 

However, Wrestling wasn’t on for hours. HOURS. We could have gone out and had a nice drink or done almost anything. F was glued to the TV to watch other sports at extremely high volume. Yawn.

During the afternoon I watched a little YouTube, some Apple TV and did a lot of crochet! I’m just going to start the third ball of yarn so I went through that last one fairly quickly. Woot. I also wrapped my niece’s birthday present so I can send it to her. Tomorrow is her birthday so it will be a tad late! Oops. 

Wrestling came on around 6 pm but didn’t seem to last that long. We discussed what to do about dinner. In the morning, F asked if I’d like to go to an izakaya today. I said yes, but then he changed his mind. It’s fine. What he did was book us into a Beer Night later in the week when we both can enjoy ourselves. They have an option for non-alcohol drinks, so I’ll be quite happy there!

Anyway, we were discussing dinner. We tried to order bentos but the place wasn’t open tonight. We were going to get K a bento from the grocery store but then decided to take her out with us. We ended up going to Kula Sushi again. 

We had a fairly decent time there. The sushi isn’t always that great, but tonight was okay. The onion rings were good too. We came back to the house and dropped K off. F and I went back out to go to the grocery store so that he could get some adulty beverage. We went and very nicely, F changed the sound system from sports to music. That was a nice treat.

I was listening to the music and just as we got to the grocery store, Bon Jovi’s “You Give Love a Bad Name” came on the car stereo. That put me in the mindset of looking back and remembering that the student of mine that died was a huge Bon Jovi fan. This time of year I always think of her as it was close to the time when she went missing. 

When we got back to the house F watched even more Olympics and I watched a lot of YouTube and did more crochet. I finally stopped but wound another ball of yarn into a centre-pull ball. 

I did a google search for my former student’s name and I found a podcast that I hadn’t heard of before about the mystery of my ex-student’s death done by a woman that lives in Japan. She basically just rehashed all the information that I’ve already read but did a fairly good job of laying out the case. The mystery of her death was never solved. I feel so sad for her family.

And to be honest, that’s about all for me. It was a bit of a sad, quiet day. F is off work tomorrow too and I’m not sure what we’ll get up to. He’s planning to see one of his doctors and I need to go to the post office too. Other than that, I have no idea!

Come back later if you will and hear all about my Monday. Until tomorrow…. 

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