September 19, 2021

Sunday - Sunny and warm

I slept in today as I was late going to bed again. It’s been really hard to get myself to bed at a reasonable time. Then again, I started a movie at 12:30 or so, so it was my own fault. 

I finally dragged myself out of bed around 11 and then stayed up. F made brunch for his mother and himself, to be fair, he did offer me some, but I turned him down. It was nice, but not what I wanted. 

I did a load of laundry in the morning. I don’t usually do laundry on weekends, but I need my clothes clean so that I can wear them on my trip! I hung them up in our room to dry.

I asked F to take me to Cocos for lunch and he obliged. However, when we got there, he realized that he didn’t have his wallet with him, so he made us go back. I suggested that I go in and get a table but he didn’t want me to do that. I could have paid, as I thought he wasn’t going to eat, but….

We went back to the restaurant and ordered. I had a mustard-cream sauce pork burger. It had some vegetables with it and a baked potato. It was really nice. F had a burger too, which surprised me as I thought he wouldn’t eat. I had the drink bar, which I made good use of. I liked it a lot. 

We did some shopping at a drugstore after lunch, then I asked F to take me to the station so that I could get his help with my ticket for Wednesday. Well, it turned out that I could do it all in English and managed to do it by myself! However, dear F paid for my ticket! He didn’t have to, but it was very sweet of him to do that!

We were heading back to the house when I suggested that we pick up a bento or something for K. F wanted to try a new-to-us place so we went there. He got K a bento. Happily, for me, there was a bagel shop in the same tiny complex. We went in and I was in heaven! They had bagels of all sorts and flavours, sweet ones and savoury ones and all looked gorgeous. F bought two for me, I got a Herbs de Provence one and a double berry macadamia nut one. 

We came back to the house and F gave K her bento. I put my bagels in the fridge for later. 

I came upstairs and after a bit, I got stuck in with packing. I’m hoping to send my suitcase on ahead because I don’t want to carry it on the trains. I packed quite a few changes of clothes as I’m going away for 4 days and I don’t know what I’ll need. I had dinner after that. I had my bagels with some of my usual lunch stuff. The bagels were amazing! I wish I had bought more. 

When I sat down at my computer again, I watched some Apple TV. I watched an episode of Trying, Ted Lasso and then I put on Come From Away. I couldn’t watch all of it tonight, but I watched the first hour and it was amazing. I was laughing and crying, and remembering my time in Newfoundland. I could never understand some of the people there, but the play managed to show the kindness of the people there. I hope I’ll have time to watch the rest tomorrow. I did some crochet and worked on darning in the ends of the scarf. 

That’s about it for me. Tomorrow is a national holiday so F is off work again. He’s still not well, but he is beginning to eat a little more. I’m not sure if he’s being smart about it though.

Come back later if you like and hear about my day. Until tomorrow….

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