October 10, 2021

Sunday - Warm and Sunny

I went to bed last night at a very late time, so I didn’t set any alarms for this morning. F went out with his mother quite early on and I slept through the whole thing. I woke up around 11 this morning when F came back into the room. 

I did get dressed and then F and I played “Sit-Around-and-Not-Go-for-Lunch” for far too long. I was a bit perturbed. We could have done some really nice places, but F wouldn’t move his derriere. Annoying. 

Finally, he decided that Futaba down the road would be acceptable, so we went there. They weren’t too busy when we arrived, but sadly they were out of quiche today. Instead, I had their curry and rice which came with a salad and some soup. It was good. F had their ginger pork and said it was okay. I enjoyed my meal but was upset that F was, as always, so nasty about the place. He doesn’t like it for some reason and thinks it is too expensive. Compared to a bowl of ramen somewhere, it’s more expensive, but the food is good and the setting is nice and it is just down the road. Honestly, what more does he want?

We went to the Chido Museum and spent a couple of hours there. It might have been less time, I’m not sure. We looked at the family treasures of the local Laird.  They were okay. I think F liked it because they had swords, I was looking at the dress costumes and trying to decide if they were woven or embroidered. Probably a bit of both.

We spent some time in the garden afterward. I took a few pictures and even saw a gorgeous spider web which must have taken so much work to make. 

The Chido Museum's garden. Love the sun play!

Look at this web, how close the strands are. Amazing!

We did a little shopping next. I had wanted to go to the stores that sold import foods, and F was okay with going. I had planned to go to one first and then the other, but we switched it up as the parking lot of one place was crazy. We went to Yamaya first and got some stuff. I bought new couscous as the last stuff I had tasted quite stale. I got a few good things for the kitchen and we got some snacks for us. 

We went over to Gyomu Supa and I picked up some frozen food and a few other things that are hard to find in other places like sunflower seeds and tuna in broth rather than oil. We also picked up a bento for K’s dinner. F got her a freshly made one, so it wasn’t a grocery store bento again.

We spent a bit of time around the house after we put away the groceries, then decided to go out for dinner. F requested one fish place which was fine, but on the way said he didn’t like it and wanted to go to their other branch. It is almost always closed so F was all snarky and said to forget it and forget dinner. I pointed out that he was likely hungry so we needed to decide where to go. 

He then suggested his favourite fish place. I’m not a huge fan as I think it is over-rated, but said we could go there. Honestly, tonight I had suggested that we go to a karaoke box and have dinner there, but F is “not feeling well” and didn’t want to go. That’s all well and good, but he’s always “not feeling well” which is simultaneously really annoying and really terrifying. I wasn’t really in the mood to let him have his way for dinner but did anyway. 

I’m glad I did. Can I just say that? We got to the restaurant, they had one table left, which we got. It was at a table with chairs, so I didn’t have to sit on the floor. Win! F wanted to have donburi, I already had rice today so I wasn’t too interested, but went along with it. I won’t have any rice for the next couple of days if I’m cooking, so that’s fine. He had a mountain bowl of chopped-up fish and I had a bowl of salmon and ikura. Mine was amazing. It really was good. Maybe they aren’t that over-rated after all? Our dinners cost more than our lunch but surprisingly, F didn’t mind paying for the food there. Mine was more expensive than his too!

After dinner, we went to the grocery store and picked up the usual shopping for the next couple of days. Tomorrow I’m going to do some miso chicken thing and then on Tuesday when I’m tired after work, it’ll be stir-fried fish from a couple of freezer packs. I also bought a head of cauliflower, so I’ll have to look up how to cook it. I’m thinking either roasting or baking or steaming or….It should be fun! 

I had a quiet evening. F watched some TV today because there was a local election and he wanted to know who won. I just watched yesterday’s news and that was it. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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