January 20, 2022

Thursday - Cool and snowy

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off, but I didn’t get up right away. I snoozed for a bit before I moved myself out of bed. I went downstairs and then came back to bed for the tail end of the news and then some reading and snoozing.  

I got up a bit earlier than yesterday. I took a load of laundry downstairs and discovered that F had left a load in the washing machine last night. Grr.  I took it out and put mine into the machine. I also checked the snow situation outside. Ack—The snowplough had gone by already so there was a wall near the road. 

I hung F’s clothes upstairs for him and then put my winter coat on and I went outside and shovelled snow for about 45 minutes. It wasn’t bad until the wind blew. Then I got a face full of icy needles and I couldn’t see what I was doing. Yuck. I got the opening cleared, did a bit more of the path too. I even got some mail while I was on the road, as the postal worker came by!

I came in the house, grabbed my breakfast and then went upstairs. I did another load of laundry and hung things up too. 

I had a quiet afternoon. I watched some YouTube and checked email and such. 

F phoned me and let me know that he was going to be late. It was his finishing time and he was in another town waiting for people to come back. I went downstairs with my coat and checked outside again. The entrance was still okay, but the steps were covered in snow….it had fallen off the roof. Boo. I went outside and it took a few minutes before I got it cleaned up again.

After that, I came back into the house and got started on dinner. First I did my dishes from the day, then I got stuck in prep. Tonight I made “Buta-Tama-Kimchi” and also bibinba rice, salad, gobo salad and spinach cake. I did a lot of prep for the Buta-Tama-Kimchi but it was worth it. Basically, I just chopped up the pork, cut up big pieces of the kimchi and broke a couple of eggs into a bowl. When F did make it back, somewhere a bit after 7 pm, I told him to go upstairs and change and then come down for dinner. 

Dinner didn’t take too long tonight as the prep was done and many things were already plated and on the table! And how was it? Pretty darn amazing! Dinner was really good. K kept helping herself to things, as did F, so that was a good sign. I said to F that it was a (mostly) Korean meal made in Japan by a Canadian…thought it was funny!

We didn’t finish eating until quite late, so I didn’t get finished doing dishes for a long time. I was finished just before 10pm. We were supposed to go out tonight to get more groceries, but F is taking the day off tomorrow, so I might too! I decided that I didn’t need to buy groceries tonight. F has to go to his office tomorrow in the morning but not for work. He’s not too happy about it, but he has to do it. 

I watched a little telly and then some YouTube too. I’ve really got to get myself off to sleep soon, so I’ll turn off my computer and go to bed. Eventually!

That’s it for me, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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