February 18, 2022

Friday - Warm but lots of snow

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I was surprised that I managed to wake up and get up. I had a bit of a snooze, but F called me and said that he had made a reservation for our dinner tomorrow night. Wow.  It’s for a bit earlier than it was supposed to be, but that is okay. 

I got up, did a load of laundry and hung it up. When I went downstairs to set up my laundry I checked the outside. The snowplough had been by, so there was a bunch of snow in the entrance. Also, the snow had fallen off the roof so there was a lot of work to be done. 

After I had my late breakfast, I changed my clothes and went outside. I shovelled a lot of snow today and it was hard. The snow today was very wet and heavy. It was awful! Yesterday I could easily slide a load of snow up the pile, today, I couldn’t. I had to split each load into at least two in order to move it. 

I was putting snow up on the pile when I lost my footing and ended up on my butt. It was cold and wet! I got up and kept going, and tried to get the entrance a bit wider as F requested. Some of it was so hard to do! 

When I was done, I decided to take a picture of my pile. Then, I thought I should take a picture of myself on the pile for scale. Of course, I ended up slipping down the pile onto my butt again. I was very wet after that!

I went into the house and I changed my clothes and hung up my coat and jeans to dry. I went downstairs and got a call from F saying that he was taking the rest of the day off. He would be back in a few minutes. I decided that I’d make my lunch, so I had some bagels with cheese or nut butter. F got back while I was eating.

We talked about doing something and I asked if we could go for coffee. We also needed to grab a salad for dinner, so I asked that we do that afterwards.

We drove over to Komeda Coffee and we got a table right away. F had regular coffee and I had cafe-au-lait. It was nice just being out in public and having a good drink. I got up at one point to use the washroom and discovered that my hip was protesting. I think I must have hurt it when I fell today. Yikes. I had to hobble to the washroom.

We finished up in the coffee shop then went to the grocery store to pick up a salad and some more noodles for F. We came back to the house and I got started on dinner. F ran a quick errand and then came back and looked at the fridge. We want to check our old fridge from our apartment to see if we can just use it instead, but we haven’t used it in a few years. We need to plug it in but there isn’t a convenient wall socket. He wants to get a big extension cord tomorrow. I asked if we could worry about that another time, as I was nearly ready with dinner.

Tonight was an easy one. It was my Friday night pasta night. K and F had tarako (cod roe) pasta and I had carbonara. I don’t like tarako, but we had some in the boxes of food that we got from the government. We had that with the salad we just bought and I opened a couple of tins of tuna that came from the government too. Dinner was actually quite nice and we all seemed to enjoy it. 

I did the dishes afterwards and listened to a few podcasts. It was really hard to move though. Standing to do the dishes was okay, but walking with my hip was (and still is) painful. 

I went upstairs when I was finished, F stayed downstairs to watch curling. Shudder. Still, he enjoyed it, so that was good. I watched a bit of YouTube and also cleared a little bit of something off the DVR. 

F came upstairs after midnight and went to bed. It’s late now and he’s up again! We’re going to have a quiet morning I think. He was talking about taking his mother to see her doctor, but I’m not sure if he really will. 

That’s it for me for tonight. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…

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