May 25, 2022

Wednesday - Hot and sunny

I managed to get myself to bed before 2 last night, so wasn’t too angry at F when I woke up at 6 when he left! I got up, went to the ‘loo, and then went back to sleep for a couple more hours. When my alarm went off, I snoozed a little but did get up. I watched the last bit of the news and some of the early morning news. 

I had to get dressed and leave just after 10 am. When I went downstairs, K was nowhere to be seen, but she had been busy. She had prepared the bamboo stew. Unfortunately, she’d left it on the stove without a lid. Sigh. 

I left the house and went on my way. I did yell goodbye, but I’m sure she didn’t hear me. I made good time to the bus stop and was there about 5 minutes early. It was really sunny so I was glad that I had my hat on.

The bus came and at first, I was the only passenger. It gradually picked up people along the way of course. I had a good trip out to the mall and enjoyed myself by reading a book. It’s one that I started ages ago and didn’t get into it. Today I did. 

At the mall, I paid the driver as someone else needed the change, and went into the mall. I had an okay time. I checked out the craft corner (meh), looked at clothing and picked out a few things I might like to try later, and then went to the post office. I made a deposit inside the branch. The Japanese post office has started to charge for coin deposits now. If you use the machine, you automatically get charged about 110 yen, but if you do it in the branch and deposit 50 or fewer coins, it is free. So, last time I was in the mall, I deposited some ten yen coins, today I deposited one hundred yen and fifty yen coins. Yay me. 

I decided to have lunch next and went to the pasta place. I haven’t been there in ages and I quite like it. I had one of the lunch specials, so I got drink bar plus salad and pasta for a little over a thousand yen. It was pretty good too. The only downside was that I dropped a piece of bacon on my shirt and it got a huge oil stain on the front. I hope it comes out. 

F and I texted a bit. He was in Sendai having a nice lunch and I was in Mikawa having a nice lunch too. 

After lunch, I went back to the department store and tried on a few shirts. I thought I might try and get a new one because the stain on my shirt was right in front and very noticeable! I tried on a few but none of them were right for me. Some were too tight in odd places, others just didn’t look that great. I found one that I bought to wear around the house, so that was good, but I decided not to change into it.

I bought a few things from the grocery store and then went down the hall to wait for my friend. I was tired, so I grabbed a seat and read some of my book while I was waiting.

My friend arrived on time and then we spent a couple of enjoyable hours together. We went to Doutor for a while and had something to drink and then she had to run an errand. We also decided to have a cup of coffee at the kiosk at the corner. They have Costa coffee and it was my first time having it. I liked it a lot. 

She had to leave so we hugged goodbye and then she left. I relaxed on a bench for a while, and then went to the mall entrance to meet F. He called and I told him I’d meet him at the usual place. When will I learn? I texted him a few minutes later and said that I was waiting in Aeon, but if he was somewhere else he should call me and I’d go to him. He called me. I meant that he should meet me at the usual place that we meet when he picks me up at the mall, he thought I meant the door we usually use when we go to the movies. Sigh. Still, at least he let me know.  

We decided we’d go and have ice cream, so went upstairs. I looked at the flavours, as did F and I made my choice. Then, F decided that he’d get some ramen for “a snack”. That’s what the ice cream was for! So, he had his ramen and I had some ice cream. I asked him if this was dinner but he said it wasn’t.

We ate our food…the ice cream was very nice and refreshing….and then left the mall. On the way into Tsuruoka, I suggested going to Kintaro Sushi and F was okay with that. When we got closer, I remembered that our usual branch is closed on Wednesday, but the one near F’s house would be open. We drove over, parked the car, and tried to go in. Apparently, they were out of fish! We had to go somewhere else. 

I said to F that I knew he didn’t like it, but I was suggesting Gusto. I really needed drink bar and thought we both could find something to eat. 

He agreed. We were able to get right in and between our phone apps and the menu were able to order a few dishes. We had a good meal actually. I had a stroganoff burger, and F had fried chicken. He grudgingly said it was okay. I kept him supplied with drinks too.

After dinner, we did a grocery store round and then came back to the house. I put away the groceries and then came upstairs to change. I gathered the garbage from upstairs and took it downstairs. I did up the kitchen garbage too and even took it out to the gomi station. There were three bags this time, so I thought it was too much for F to do tomorrow morning. If he wasn’t on crutches it would be fine, but….

After that, I came back its the house and watched the 4:00pm news followed by the first episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Yes, it’s back. Apparently, they are pretending that they are in a post-pandemic world. How do I get there? It was an okay episode. 

And that’s about that. Tomorrow I have to try and wash some clothes and I’d really like to try and clean out my corner so that I can get everything set up for watching my streaming service. I hope it goes well. I’m a bit sore from all the walking I did. I almost made it to 10,000 steps today, and my hip is protesting rather vigorously. Oh, dear.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Thursday. Until tomorrow….

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