June 28, 2022

Tuesday - Hot, sunny and muggy

I woke up again this morning when F got up. He is a very noisy person. I love him dearly, but he makes so much noise sometimes. After I heard the car leave I got up and then came back to bed. I actually turned off my alarms for a bit and slept quite a bit later than usual. However, I got up earlier than I have been lately, so that was good.

I did a load of towels and hung them up in our room. I also watched a movie today, Reminiscence, a fairly recent one with Hugh Jackman and Rebecca Ferguson. It wasn’t good, but it reminded me of a film that I loved, Strange Days. That was a good one but has a lot of scenes that make it difficult for people to watch.

After lunch I watched an episode of The Mentalist and…..Patrick John found Red John! It was quite an exciting episode. There’s a few more episodes to go, but I’m pumped because so often with these kinds of shows they don’t solve the big mystery.

It was so hot in our room up here today. It was 32°C. I probably should have turned on the AC, but didn’t want to do it quite yet. 

I watched the news and then waited for F to call. The thing was, he didn’t! I had given up and gone down to the kitchen to get started on dinner. I’m not sure why he couldn’t call when he left work, he called me from Tsuruoka. Didn’t make sense to me.

I got a late start on dinner, but happily it didn’t take too long. I did the spicy tofu in my air fryer again and also made gapao rice. F had set the rice cooker for me last night, so we all could have fresh rice with the meal. I even got the eggs pretty close to perfect for the top of the rice and meat, so that was good. We had gapao rice, tofu and salad. I had forgotten to put out the bean salad leftovers. Oops.

After I got everything cooked, we had a nice meal. It was pretty darn good and K said it was good. Yay. I was worried the tofu might be too spicy for her.

I did the dishes after the meal and it didn’t take as long as usual. I kept the door to the living room on and we had been using the AC in there, so the kitchen was a tiny bit cool too. 

After dinner I wanted to go out and get a few groceries. F needed a break first, so I waited upstairs for him. He texted me when he was ready to go and I went downstairs. We drove over to our usual grocery store and did our shopping. We picked up a few things. I’m going to do a stir-fry with chicken tomorrow night and then something with shrimp on Thursday night. I told F that I’m not cooking on Friday night as it is Canada Day and a national holiday for me, so….

We came back to the house, I put the groceries away, and then went upstairs. We had a pretty good evening. I watched FBI: Most Wanted and then turned off the TV. Yes, I could have watched The Handmaid’s Tale, but I’d rather not stay up too too late! That is what DVR’s are for!

And that’s about it. I’m not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow, so you’ll have to check back and find out. 

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