January 13, 2023

 Friday - Warmish and clear

I went to bed around my usual time last night and fell asleep fairly soon. Unfortunately, I woke up at 6:00 am and had to make a trip downstairs. I woke F up on my way downstairs and my way back into bed again. He grabbed his clock to check the time and then dropped it over the back of the bed. It was stuck between the wall and the bedhead. Sigh. He had to get up and move the bed in order to rescue it. 

Unbelievably, I was able to fall back asleep and didn’t hear F leave this morning. When my alarm went off, I got up, turned on the TV and the heater , got dressed and then went back to bed to watch the news. After that, I went downstairs then took a nap.

When I woke up, I started the first of two loads of laundry and grabbed my breakfast. I didn’t see much of K at all today. It’s a bit sad. She didn’t eat her breakfast or her lunch today. 

I watched a bit of a movie on WOWOW and had lunch a bit after 2. I finally saw K while I was grabbing lunch. She didn’t come into the kitchen at all, and went back to bed. 

I came back upstairs and did my computer stuff while I watched some YouTube today. I folded my clean laundry from last week while I watched the news. A little after 5 F called to say he was on the way back. I went downstairs and started getting ready for dinner. 

Tonight I was doing an easy one, microwave and boil in the bag stuff, no cooking or much brain use at all. I was a little tired from this week, so I decided to keep things simple when I went shopping last night. When F came back he presented me with some pickles that he had bought. Okay then. On his advice, I cut some of them up and I put them out on the table.

I got everything ready to go and called F and K. She was still in bed. She did get to the table before F. 

Dinner was fine. The pickles were very popular and most of the first bag disappeared. I had to heat up the second half of the fried rice package in the middle of the meal. No big deal. 

I did the dishes after dinner and listened to my podcasts. There wasn’t too many dishes so I was done early for a change. That was nice. 

I went upstairs and watched YouTube for a few minutes, but then changed and watched an episode of YellowJackets on my computer. It was quite a good one. I can’t help wondering where the story is going. There have been hints though!

I took a shower tonight and then came back up to the room. I didn’t watch anymore TV, just some YouTube. I have quite the YouTube habit these days. 

Anyway, that’s about it for me. Tomorrow we’re going to the doctor’s office and then we’ll see. We don’t really have any plans yet. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow....

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