April 29, 2023

Saturday - Sunny and very warm

Today was a very nice day! It’s terribly late, so I’ll probably just do a brief-ish outline of the day.

F and I both slept in quite late. I was a little shocked when my alarm went off that it was so late. I got up and eventually got dressed.

F suggested going for lunch to Arpeggio. I hadn’t really wanted to go there, just because I thought about keeping it as a choice for later in the week. However, we went and were able to get in right away. They were very busy today. Unfortunately, when they finally brought my food to me, it was the wrong thing! They’d brought us two of the dish that F wanted. It wasn’t a problem, we told them that it was wrong and I had the correct dish in front of me in about 5 minutes with lots of apologies. I wasn’t upset about it, and really could have eaten the other dish too! I had soboro and it was very nice. 

After lunch, F and I decided to go for a drive. He drove us out to the Asahi Interchange and we went into the Michi No Eki and had a mixed ice cream cone. It was a mixed vanilla and grape-flavoured treat. It was very good.

We came back to the house and relaxed for a while. F hasn’t been doing that well today.  Around 6 pm I asked him to drive me over to my meeting place.  He obliged me!  He took me to the hotel my friend was staying at. I went in and my other friend was already there.

When the other friend came down to meet us, we got in the car and drove to the restaurant. Over the next two hours, we had a lovely meal. I let them know about my tomato sensitivity so they were very nice and changed a few of the dishes so that I could eat them.  We had pasta, pizza, a gorgeous salad and a very nice chocolate cake at the end.  We really enjoyed it.

Neither of us was ready to go at the end, so we decided to move to Starbucks and continue the conversation.  We drove there and each of us had a decaf tea and then there was a lot of conversation. It was so nice having actual conversations with women who have things to say to each other!

Around 10:20 or so, we had to break up the party. One of my friends had a long drive back to her city. We drove our friend back to her hotel and asked a staff member of the hotel to take our picture, which she did!

Then, it was my turn. My friend drove me back to the house and I went in and upstairs. F was surprised to see me, he thought he would have to come and pick me up. 

I watched FBI and then turned off the TV.  I caught up with some YouTube and some of my favourite Internet Sites. And that’s us up to date!

I’ve got to get some sleep now, so I’ll talk to you later. Until tomorrow…. 

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