May 22, 2023

 Monday - Warm and cloudy

I went to bed at almost my usual time last night and then when F got up this morning he woke me up a bit. I went downstairs but he hadn’t left when I came back to the room. I waited until he left and then I stayed up and watched the news. I got dressed and then went back to take a snooze. I had planned to join a Zoom meeting but decided to do it later. I woke up later, went downstairs and grabbed breakfast. I set up for the meeting and joined in. I ate my breakfast and chatted to a few people. By the time I joined, there were only 6 ladies left.

I left the meeting at 1 pm and then went downstairs for a minute or two. I grabbed my lunch a bit late and came upstairs to watch the news and eat. I didn’t put on any shows off the Fire Stick today and I didn’t watch the things I had kept on my DVR either. I made Alexa play some relaxing music for me and I just chilled. 

I did get a little start on my column. I decided to look at my favourite movies and see if they are still my favourite movies! All of the movies on my list are films that I saw in Canada before I came to Japan. I’m not sure why there aren’t any films on my list from after I came to Japan. Perhaps I just haven’t seen them as often or my tastes have changed a lot? I’m not sure. I’ll have to try and see these films again soon!

F called at 5:30 to say he was on his way back so I went downstairs to get a start on dinner. Tonight I was making chicken wings and I also put out some broccoli, chawanmushi, salad and rice for K and F. On Saturday I bought a big chicken cutlet, so I cut it up too and put it out. F went upstairs after he arrived and I continued cooking. 

When I finished and started getting the table set up, I yelled for F. There was no answer. I texted him. No answer. Finally, after everything was on the table I ran upstairs and checked on him. He was in bed, sleeping. He woke up when I came in and said he’d be down soon.

He took a few minutes to come down and then…he went into the kitchen and started preparing some horse sashimi that he had won a few days ago. I was so annoyed! There was a ton of food on the table, it was all ready and hot and he was preparing something else that wasn’t needed. We had talked a bit about it earlier and he asked me if I’d like some later. I said maybe later, meaning in the evening. He spent a good 15 minutes in the kitchen preparing this stuff that wasn’t necessary and really no one but he wanted. 

He finally came through and tried to give me some soy sauce. I refused it because I didn’t want to have any sashimi with my meal. There was a ton of previously hot food. It was all cold. I was rather upset. He didn’t eat much of my food and then left the table. Happily, he did clean up his yucky stuff!

I cleared the table fairly soon as K kept helping herself to stuff that I planned to keep for her lunch. If she ate it all tonight, she wouldn’t have any for lunch tomorrow. I did the dishes slowly as I didn’t want to go upstairs!  I listened to my podcasts too.

I went upstairs and didn’t say too much to F. He asked if I wanted to have the sashimi then and I said no. I was still full from my lovely dinner. 

A little later I took a shower and came back and watched an episode of Ted Lasso. It was quite a good one.

At one point tonight I thought I smelt something burning and F went downstairs to check it out.  It wasn’t anything. Maybe I smelt something from outside? I’m not sure.

Anyway, that’s about it for me. It wasn’t a great day. I have no idea if F will even eat with us tomorrow. I’m so frustrated with him tonight. I had everything ready on the table and he chose to ruin our meal by adding on something that we didn’t need at all. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Tuesday. Until tomorrow….

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