May 23, 2023

 Tuesday - Muggy and cooler

I was pretty grumpy last night but when I went to bed F was awake too. After lights out, I reached out and patted him and then he grabbed my hand and…things were good again. 

This morning F’s alarm went off and it woke me up. I looked at him and he said that he was going to get up…in five minutes. I decided to get up and go downstairs. When I came back to the room, F was getting up. I didn’t stay up, I went back to bed and fell asleep. I didn’t hear F leave today.

I got up at 8 and watched the BBC news, then checked other stations. I left the TV on but muted it because it won’t record if I don’t. I went back to sleep and then got up around 10:30. I went downstairs, grabbed my breakfast and came back upstairs. I watched the rebroadcast of Yellowstone. I did have it on the DVR from last week, but thought I’d watch it now. It was a good episode and lots of interesting things happened. John Dutton (Kevin Costner) is going to run for Governor of the state. Wow!

After the show, I watched the news and then a few things off YouTube. A little before 2 pm I went downstairs and grabbed my lunch. I was surprised that K hadn’t grabbed her lunch yet. Not sure what she was doing.

I ate, watched the news, watched some YouTube and also worked on my column a little. F called around 5:30 tonight and I went downstairs to get a start on dinner.

I made a pork stir-fry tonight but I added half a zucchini and half an onion and some mushrooms. It looked really good, and it was too. We had the stir fry with a salad and also with rice for F and K.  

After dinner, I cleared the table and got started on the dishes. I listened to the Canadian news and then my British movie podcast. 

When I finished, I went upstairs and changed. F and I headed out after a few minutes. Tonight I asked to go to MaxValu, I felt like getting a few things there. F drove over and parked, I went into the store and bought some groceries. I think I got enough for the next couple of days. I hope so anyway! I picked up some drinks for F and me for the next few days and he texted me and asked for some of his favourite sake. 

I paid and left. My shopping bag was very heavy. I came back to the car and we came back to the house. I left K’s breakfast on the table for her and then went upstairs. At 11 pm I watched Resident Alien which was funny as usual. I put music on from midnight so that I could record tonight’s Yellowstone. I hope to watch it soon!

I’ve been watching videos on YouTube and blogging for a bit now. I’ll be off to bed soon, I need my beauty sleep! Come back later if you like and hear all about my Wednesday. Until tomorrow….


gn-in-Massachusetts said...

it sounds like you had a nice day.

Helen said...

Yes! It was quite a good one!

Thanks for visiting again :-)