May 27, 2023

Saturday - Hot and Sunny

I woke up this morning around 9 am. I went downstairs and then I went back to bed for a while. I didn’t get up for ages, but neither did F! We had a doctor’s appointment at 11:00am so we had to get going. I got up around 10, got dressed, checked out my computer a little bit and then got ready to go. F didn’t get out of bed until 10:45 or so.  I was a bit worried!

We got to the clinic just in time. We still had to wait for a few minutes, but it wasn’t too bad. I had a blood test. They know that I need to lie down for it, so they gave me a bed. Whew.  

After we went to the doctor we went for lunch. Well, actually, we went to a grocery store, bought K a bento and delivered it. She’d had breakfast already and had eaten the leftover pasta that I’d left for her this morning, so she wasn’t hungry. We bought her some food and then delivered it to the house. She was in her room and didn’t see the food!

F and I went to Togashi, the yakiniku restaurant for lunch. We had a lovely meal. We each had the same thing, but F had extra rice with his. After our meal, I suggested going to the hardware store to pick up more of K’s favourite soda. We did that, but sadly they didn’t have the drink for us that we wanted. Oh well. I picked up some photocopier paper and also a couple of hooks to hang up a picture with.

After our time in the shop, we were both thirsty, so went over to Komeda Coffee and had drinks.  I had an iced decaf and F had a large coffee. I nearly fell asleep there, I was tired! Finally, we left and came back to the house.

We had initially planned to go to the 6:00pm movie but decided to go to the later show. We relaxed for a couple of hours at the house. I even went over to the bed for a little lie-down for a while. F made some food for his mother and then we left for Mikawa.

We bought our tickets for Creed 3 and then went and had bibinba for dinner. Mine was great, I don’t think F liked his as much. His didn’t have any meat in it, and he thought there should be some!

When it was time, I joined the long line for popcorn and drinks and told F to go into the cinema to wait. I got the stuff, got to the theatre and dropped off my jacket, popcorn and drinks and then I headed to the washroom. 

How was the movie? It was good. I’m not a huge boxing fan, but I liked the main character and the relationship he has with his wife and daughter. F has always been a fan of Rocky, who isn’t in this film. I didn’t miss him. The frenemy of Creed was okay, I kept thinking about how he got himself in trouble and may have put a spanner in the works for Marvel. 

After the movie, we headed back to Tsuruoka. We made a stop at a convenience store to pick up some snacks. I got a cheeseburger that was okay but had ketchup on it. Sigh. We got an onigiri for F and one for K as well for their breakfasts. Nothing for me. I could have got one I suppose, but I don’t really like rice for breakfast. Or lunch. Or dinner. 

Back at the house, nothing much happened. F is sleeping now which is good. I don’t think we have any plans for tomorrow yet, maybe an okay thing. I’d like to do a little shopping and have a bit of fun if I can, but I don’t know what F will be okay with doing. His knees are acting up again, poor thing. 

Well, that’s it for me again. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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