May 28, 2023

 Sunday - Muggy, cool and rainy

Today was Sunday and we had no plans so we relaxed and slept in. I was rather happy about that. I dragged myself out of bed at about 11:30 or so. I got mostly dressed and heated up my kettle to make some tea. F and K were up downstairs, F made his mother some breakfast and ate a bit of it too. So, he came upstairs and went back to sleep. Until after 3 pm. Keep in mind that I hadn’t eaten a proper meal all morning. I’m less than pleased about that. I had a pasta soup cup and just after that F woke up and decided to go out.

We went to Cocos and had lunch. A late lunch. It was quite good. After a while, we left and drove down the road to make our purchases and set us up for the next few days. I did most of the leg work, except for the gas station. F did all the work there!

I picked up groceries and since F wanted something for a friend we went over budget. Sigh. I wasn’t too happy about that. In the next couple of days, I’m going to do baked chicken and gapao rice. Yay for me. 

We came back to the house and I put away the groceries. F just came into the house, forgetting to bring in the bag of shopping on his side of the car…that he put there. I had to carry two heavy bags into the house. I put away the groceries and took a bunch of stuff upstairs. F was in the toilet and stayed there for a good 20-30 minutes. I remembered the other shopping, went out to the car and grabbed the other bag. I put stuff away from that bag too and waited upstairs for F to finish. 

We had talked about going out to Amarume to a restaurant there, but by the time he was ready to leave the house, it was nearly 8 pm. The last order in most restaurants is around 8 pm these days, or they are already closed by then. So, we drove off. 

F suggested a place in Tsuruoka that I hate and I said okay. It was rather far away so I looked it up and Google Maps said it was closed. For some reason, F kept going in that direction. He asked about going to a Japanese restaurant that I usually like but just wasn’t in the mood for. He got mad when I said no. I told him I wasn’t hungry. Mostly true since I ate not too long before. 

He then proceeded to drive through Tsuruoka looking for a ramen shop that he liked and that was open. All the places that he looked at were closed. It was after 8 pm on a Sunday night, I don’t know what he was expecting. He finally found a place that was still open. Fortunately for me, it was near the Coco Ichibanya so I went there for my dinner. I told him he could meet me in the parking lot of my restaurant when he was done. He didn’t say anything.

I went to Coco Ichibanya and had the handmade chicken cutlet and curry with vegetables and less rice. I added on a lassi too. My dinner was really nice and I enjoyed it. I paid and then went outside to look for F. He wasn’t there. I walked back to the ramen restaurant and he was just getting into the car.  I got in and we left. He didn’t speak to me. I asked him about his ramen and he said that he couldn’t have any as they were out of it. He had to have soba instead. I didn’t say anything else to him for the rest of the night.

Back at the house, I watched a couple of shows off the Fire Stick. Last night the DVR didn’t record my Saturday night show, so I watched it On Demand, and then another episode of Fringe. I’m quite enjoying the show. 

F went to bed a while ago and I stayed up to blog and watch YouTube. 

It was a good day until F decided to be a jerk again.  I think he has forgotten just how much I am doing for him at the moment. I’m getting quite stressed out and I really don’t need him acting like this. I wasn’t overly pleased with him “forgetting” that I needed food in the morning too. 

Anyway, let’s hope that tomorrow gets off to a better start. Come back later if you like and hear about my Monday. Until tomorrow….

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