May 29, 2023

Monday - Rainy, cool and a bit muggy

I slept through F’s leaving this morning, I’m glad to say. I woke up with my alarm and got up. I watched the news and when the BBC news was over, changed the channel and watched the end of Molly’s Game. It was okay. I haven’t seen it all yet, so might want to watch it again.

I went back to sleep and a little after 10 am F came back to the room. Oh, dear. He came bearing Family Mart Chicken. I got up and ate the chicken, but didn’t talk to him. I was still mad at him from yesterday. I grabbed my breakfast and a little while later, he left. 

I had a quiet afternoon, I did work on my column a little and that was good. I didn’t hear from F before dinner so I went downstairs and got started on dinner. F came back before I got really started. I asked him if he wanted dinner but he said he couldn’t eat. Oh well then. I regrouped and decided to make dinner just a little simpler. 

Tonight I made baked chicken in the toaster oven, an eggplant dish and a cucumber pickle thing. We had our dinner with salad and K got rice too. K and I had finished eating and the dishes done by 8 pm so I went upstairs and relaxed for a bit. F was in bed with the lights off. I almost felt sorry for him.

I turned on the lights on my side of the room and watched a little Youtube. I took a shower and when I finished I came back upstairs. I put on A Fish Called Wanda which I’m happy to say was just as great as I remembered! That movie just cracks me up.

F and I have chatted a little, but not a lot. I’m not sure what is going on at the moment. He’s still not doing that well health-wise, sad to say. 

My movie finished a little after midnight so I turned off the TV and got started on this. It’s been an okay day but I hope tomorrow is better. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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