May 30, 2023

Tuesday - Cold and a bit drizzly

I woke up early this morning and had to make a quick trip downstairs. F was waiting outside the door for the toilet when I finished. This was basically the theme of my day.

I went back upstairs and went back to bed. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to set my alarm last night so I overslept a bit. When I woke up I had missed the news. I watched what had been recorded, but it wasn’t perfect. The machine had skipped over 3 minutes of the BBC broadcast. Honestly, how many months do I have to wait before F looks at the machine and sets it up again properly? It is very nearly 6 months that I’ve been mucking around with this.

I went back to sleep. I did watch the end of Miss Sloane, another Jessica Chastain film first though. I didn’t really understand what was going on, but it looked like it was a good film. 

I got up before 11 and went to get my breakfast. I came back upstairs, read my blog, watched some YouTube and drank some tea. I had a quiet but busy day in front of my computer. 

I grabbed lunch and then when I finished I worked on my column a little. I only have two more movies to watch and review. And only one full day to do them both in. Sigh. 

F called tonight and I went down to start dinner. Tonight I made Gapao Rice. I added some mushrooms and onions into the mix to stretch the meat a bit.  F wasn’t sure if he’d be able to eat tonight but he did, so that was good.

After dinner, I did the dishes and then went upstairs to change. We made a grocery run. Tonight I suggested just going to Mina, up the road. Well, we went there and it was a bit difficult. They didn’t have anything that I wanted there! There weren’t any onigiri for K and F, there weren’t a lot of interesting foods either. I managed to get a few things for dinner and my lunches, but it wasn’t easy!

I came back to the car and then asked F to stop in a convenience store. We did and I picked up a few onigiri, a drink for me, and a lunch for K for tomorrow. There weren’t any leftovers after tonight’s meal sad to say.

We came back to the house and F took forever to get out of the car. With two bags of groceries, I had to get my key out of my purse and open the door. Sigh. As soon as I got inside, F got out of the car and headed to the toilet. Sigh. I put away the groceries and then went upstairs. I started watching Resident Alien at 11:00 pm. That show is just hilarious. I recorded Yellowstone tonight. I haven’t watched last week's episode yet, so I can’t watch this one yet either. 

And that is about it for my day. F has finally gone to bed and I should get there soon too. Come back later if you like….Until tomorrow….

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