May 7, 2023

Sunday - Rainy and cool

I slept in this morning, a lot like I have for the last few days. F did too. Last night he’d talked about taking his mother to the onsen in the morning, but he didn’t. I woke up around 11 and then fell back asleep again for another hour. Oh dear. 

When I got up and got dressed we talked about going out to eat.  Since it was the last day of the holiday, I suggested going to the Grand El Sun and F agreed. We went and it wasn’t busy at all. We went in and were seated right away. We ended up having the pasta lunch. We got an anti-pasta plate to start and then had spaghetti with cabbage and anchovy in oil. It was very nice and I really enjoyed it. I did try and tempt F with dessert, but he wasn’t interested. He had forgotten his wallet, so I got to pay for lunch!

Next up, we went to Mina, the grocery store and I bought the groceries for the next couple of days. I think I got enough, but I never really know. F waited in the car and then we went back to the house. I got him to give his mother her lunch bento and I took some things upstairs. 

We set off again and went to S-Mall to get a drink at Doutor. We went in, I ordered and F got us seats in the corner. We were there for a while, but I wanted to go upstairs to the hundred yen shop, so I got him a second drink and went upstairs. 

I got a few things at the store and then came downstairs to meet up with F. He didn’t feel well and wanted to go back to the house. I was very disappointed. We had decided to go and see a movie tonight, but he was begging off. He’s begged off almost every night. Well, last night he would have gone, but I wanted to watch the Coronation. 

We went back to the house and F relaxed and vegged for a while. I watched some YouTube and then F wanted to go for dinner. I asked him if his mother had eaten the second bento I had bought for her and he said he thought she had.  When I went downstairs I checked the kitchen and of course the untouched bento was sitting on the table right where I left it!  I asked K if she’d like the bento and she said yes. I heated it up for her and gave her a glass of mugi-cha. 

F and I left the house and went to the restaurant near our old apartment. We had quite a decent meal. I wanted some yaki-bifun and some stir-fried veggies, F ordered gyoza and fried rice. I wasn’t sure why we needed fried rice and bifun…lots of carbs, but dear hubby wanted it that way. The food was pretty good. I enjoyed the fried rice to be fair, but it was a lot.

We left the restaurant and visited the grocery store. I had forgotten to get K a lunch so I picked up a couple of things for her and I found a spice packet that I had been looking for as well, so that was good. 

We came back to the house. I prepared the garbage in the kitchen. There was rather a lot and I had to use a second bag. That meant that I was able to chuck a few things that I didn’t want in the kitchen anymore. I even ran the bags over to the garbage station since I still had my purse (and ID) downstairs. When I finished, I went upstairs and watched a couple of shows off the Fire Stick. I had been planning to watch Fringe on Amazon, but they took it off. However, it just showed up on WOWOW so I can watch it there. I’m not sure if they still have Supernatural though. I followed up Fringe with an episode of The Red Green Show. It’s so cornball and silly.

I turned off the TV so that I wouldn’t make big noise for F trying to sleep. He’s back to work tomorrow. I’m kind of happy that he’s going back, but a bit sad too. This was one of our better Golden Weeks. I’ve been reading back through our history and some Golden Weeks have been just awful. 

Anyway, that’s about it for tonight. Tomorrow I’m back to my usual stuff and I’ll have to try and wake up a bit earlier than I have been for the last few days. Maybe. I’ll give it a try!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Kelly said...

Hooray for a better GW! Hope you have a great week.

Helen said...

Thanks! You too :-)