May 8, 2023

 Monday - Sunny but cold

I got up this morning, watched the news and then went back to bed afterwards. I had a nice sleep and then finally got up and watched some YouTube and then the news from the TV. I was less than impressed with NHK to be honest. At the moment, the part of Canada that I am from is having a serious forest fire problem. Entire towns are being evacuated, towns that I used to live in and that I have family and friends living in. It is so sad and scary. Anyway, NHK chose to show a French (as in France, not French Canadian) report on the fires, rather than a Canadian report. Isn’t that crazy? Does this mean they don’t have a contract with Canadian news? I would say so. Boo! Shame on NHK.

I had my breakfast and then I relaxed for a while watching YouTube. A bit later I went downstairs and grabbed lunch. K had eaten some of the stuff that I had bought for her so that was good. She hadn’t finished it though, so that was a bit sad.

I watched the US news at 2 pm and after it was over I watched another episode of The One that Got Away. It was rather interesting today, one of the people sent two people off at once. It was a tad sad, as one of their potential matches had been there since the beginning and was a cool guy.

F called around 5:30 and a little while later I went downstairs to get a start on dinner. I started washing dishes, but the hot water ran out. F hadn’t filled up the kerosene tank in the water heater for a long time. Sigh. I had a huge mess waiting for me too, so that was fun. I had to clean the stove again as it was dirty. I also had taken a lot of plastic bottles down to the kitchen so I spent a bit of time washing some of them and taking off labels and such. 

When F came back I asked him to put some kerosene in the water heater and he obliged me. Yay!

I got started on dinner finally. I didn’t do anything too exotic, tonight I made tandori chicken in the toaster oven, fries in the air fryer and I served some okra from the freezer and salad too. I also cut a couple of cucumbers into sticks and served them with some Korean spicy dip. Apparently, I’m the only one that likes it!

Dinner came together at the last moment and I called F down. He came before I was quite finished, but that was a nice change. Dinner was pretty good and I enjoyed it. F didn’t eat a lot, but K had a couple of extra things and so did I! 

F and K had a big argument when dinner was basically over, so I got out of Dodge so to speak and went into the kitchen and did the dishes. I got done a few minutes before 9 pm. I said goodnight to K and then went upstairs and started to get changed into my relaxing clothes. Just then, F asked if I’d like to go out and get coffee and I said sure. He wanted to pay a bill and then would go and get something to drink. Are you kidding? I was up for that!

We went to 7-11 where F paid his bill and I put more money on my Suica card too. After that, we went to Komeda and both of us had a cup of decaf coffee. We spent about an hour there.

We came back to the house and I took a shower. K was up again and it was a bit weird. While I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, I heard quiet footsteps outside the door. I stuck my head out the door to see what was happening. K was just going back to her room. I think she was trying to see if I was still up or something. I don’t know. She’s an odd old lady sometimes.

I came back upstairs and I watched an episode of The Big Door Prize before I turned off the TV. I enjoyed it, it was quite funny tonight as Chris O’Dowd danced to George Michael’s Faith at a wedding. It was cool!

And honestly, that’s about it for my day. I’ve been rather uptight all day because of the forest fire problem back home. It’s awful knowing that so many people are in danger and running to safety.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Tuesday. Until tomorrow….


Kelly said...

I saw the fires on TV. I really hope your family and friends will be ok. Has Canada always had such bad fires?

Helen said...

Forest fires have always been a big risk in Canada, we have soooooo many trees/forests, but it is rare that it happens this early in the year. Usually, it's in the middle of summer after the weather gets really hot and things are dry. Apparently there have been a few winters where we just didn't get a lot of snow, so the underbrush is dry and catches fire easily. Then again, a lot of fires start because people are idiots and start fires either on purpose or accidentally.

Some of my friends have evacuated, and my family members near a danger zone are keeping a close eye on the fire. I still feel for all of the people who might lose everything if their homes are destroyed.

Thanks for commenting and your good wishes.