June 12, 2023

Monday - Hot and Sunny, humid too.

I woke up early this morning, went downstairs and then went back to bed. I didn’t hear F leave at all! When my alarm went off, I dragged myself out of bed. It was so hard this morning!  

I watched the Morning news and made the discovery that there was a little bit more English news on later. I guess that is why they cut the Beeb down to 8 minutes today. I got dressed during the news and then a few minutes after 9 am I went downstairs and got ready to leave. 

I left a little bit too early and was at the bus stop around 9:15. The bus wasn’t due until 9:25. Happily for me it wasn’t too late today. I got on and rode all the way to S-Mall. At S-Mall, I transferred to a bus going out to the Aeon Mall in Mikawa. 

At Mikawa, I got off the bus and then went and had a quick brunch. I hit up Mr Donut and had a couple of pastries and a decaf coffee. After that, I headed over to the movie theatre. I bought my ticket and then bought myself some popcorn and a drink. Today I went to see The Little Mermaid. I rather liked it. I don’t have a lot of deep feelings for the original animated film as I only saw it last year for the first time. I thought Halle Bailey was very good  and had a fabulous voice. 

After the movie, I did a few errands. I did a couple of deposits, I put some coins into my post office account. Since we’re only allowed to put 50 coins into an account at once, it is rather annoying. If I lived closer to a post office I’d pop in every day and get rid of my coins, but I don’t! I should probably get my bike out again and if I went out a couple of times a week I could do it. 

I went and had lunch at the restaurant on the corner of the mall. It wasn’t great. In fact, I was a bit suspicious of the raw tuna, but so far so good I think. I got drink bar, so I drank a couple of things. That was nice. 

I left the restaurant and walked down the mall. I decided to do a bit of shopping in Aeon. I found a few things that I wanted to try on so I did. They all fit, but I decided not to buy anything. I checked out the men’s department too and didn’t buy much over there. I did get a few pairs of socks for summer as they were on sale. 

I checked out the food department, but didn’t buy anything, then went over to the food court and bought myself a Costa Coffee. I sat and drank it and read a bit of a book on my phone and waited for F to call. He did call and I was rather surprised when he did! 

F picked me up a little while later and we drove to Tsuruoka. We went to the glasses shop and picked up my glasses. I’m wearing them now as I type this. I think I like them!

We decided to get bentos for dinner, so we went to the bento shop next to Togashi. We got our bentos and then came back to the house. We ate, and then I got to do the dishes. Yay me. F had made miso soup for some reason. I’m sorry…I can’t even taste most miso soup these days so I don’t know why he bothers.

After I finished in the kitchen, I went upstairs and F and I got ready to go out. We had to do some shopping. 

We drove to Mina and I went in and did the shopping. I’m going to make a few different dishes for the next couple of days, if all goes well. 

We came back to the house and put away the food. I came upstairs and relaxed, F was all over the place. I decided to watch an episode of Fringe at 11 pm and did so. I am quite into that show. I know it’s already finished, I don’t care.

And that is about it for my day. My legs feel a bit like jelly so I’m hoping that I can take it a bit easy tomorrow. I’d also like to do a little bit of laundry because there are some things I need to wash. My new set of sheets amongst other things!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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