June 13, 2023

Tuesday - Hot and sunny, muggy

After the last couple of days where I was walking all over the place and being active, it was really nice to have a quiet resting kind of day.

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I went downstairs to use the loo and bumped into K who was on her way there too. She was lucky I let her go first!

I came back upstairs afterwards and watched the BBC news. I relaxed for a while and then went back to sleep. I was so tired and it was already so darn hot. 

F called me around 10 I think to say that he was expecting a delivery and to ask if it had arrived yet. No. I snoozed longer. 

I did get up finally, but I was a bit later than usual. I was so darn tired I don’t even want to give myself a hard time about it all.

I thought about doing laundry and decided that tomorrow might be a better time to do it! I grabbed breakfast and came upstairs to eat. I watched a bit of YouTube and all too soon it was time for lunch. I grabbed lunch and it was so nice to have my Havarti cheese again. My favourite thing from Costco I think! I watched the news and then put on the silly astrology dating show I’ve been watching. It’s getting better in a way. Some of the people are being sent home.

It got up to 29.5 degrees in the room today and I should have turned on the air conditioner, but instead I took a siesta. I couldn’t keep my eyes open after 5 pm so I set a timer and had a little nap. F woke me up to say he was on the way here.

I changed and then went downstairs and started dinner. It took a while and F showed up just as I was getting started. Tonight I did baked chicken in the toaster oven and I served that with the last of last week’s pilaf for K and I, rice for F, salad, sliced cold beets, and radishes.  We even had dessert, some Bocca puddings from Hokkaido. It went down a treat. 

I made a plate for K’s lunch tomorrow and there was even enough for me to have a little too. That’s nice. I did the dishes and it wasn’t too horrible tonight. The Canadian news did make me upset as it sounds like the area that I grew up in is still on fire. It was such a beautiful area. I hope that they get the fires under control soon.

I came upstairs around 9pm, watched some YouTube and waited for F to come upstairs. I had told him I wanted to take an early shower. Well, 10pm he hadn’t shown up yet so I went downstairs to take one…just as he was going to take one. I went first!

I didn’t take too long this evening and I came back upstairs in time to watch Resident Alien. That show cracks me up. When the show finished, I put some music on the Fire Stick, but watched more YouTube including a fascinating discussion on Actors on Actors between Pedro Pascal and Steven Yeun. It was really good. They were both fanboying over each other and actually had quite a bit in common. 

Well, that’s about it for my day. F has gone to sleep and honestly, I could do with an early night too. Will I got early? Probably not!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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