June 14, 2023

 Wednesday - Sunny and hot, then rainy

I woke up this morning and found it hard to get up! I finally did, and I watched the news. I watched all of it and then went back to sleep for a bit. I slept through my alarms to wake me up and woke up an hour and a half late. Oh my. 

I got up, went downstairs, grabbed breakfast (early lunch?) and came back upstairs to eat. I watched a bit of YouTube and also a bit of TV news. I had to have my lunch lunch too, so I went downstairs around 2 pm to grab it. I watched the US news and then turned off the TV for a while. 

After 4 pm I decided to watch something off the DVR and chose the last episode of Yellowstone. What a humdinger!  There were a lot of interesting things happening. Too bad I’ll have to wait a year or so to find out what happens. F, my dear husband phoned me twice during the show. I wasn’t too pleased. I was also giving myself a pedicure, kind of. I don’t do nail polish, but I needed to moisturize my feet and such. At the time, I was enjoying the air conditioner. When I came upstairs at lunchtime, it was already 29.3℃ so I turned on the AC. 30 degrees or thereabouts is just too hot for me.

I went downstairs around 5:50 or so and F came back soon after. I was getting into my cooking. Tonight I made a veggie bake with sausages. We had that with cucumber sticks, salad, sliced chicken and those veggies. The veggies were amazing. I love my air fryer! We had a mix of new potatoes, beets, radishes, onions and mushrooms. It’s a good thing I took K’s lunch out before dinner because I think she would have eaten it all during dinner!

I did the dishes after our meal and then I did the garbage up downstairs. I told F that I was going upstairs and did so. I did the gomi on my side of the room and gave F my half-full bag. He put his stuff in it as I changed. 

We went out tonight. F was wearing very casual clothes so he wasn’t planning to come in with me. He drove me to the store and I went in. I got a couple of things for the next few days. I managed to get onigiri for K and F for tomorrow, but couldn’t get their usual second-day breakfast. I got some other things though, so hopefully it’ll work.

We came back to the house and I put the food away. After that, I came upstairs and at 11 pm I watched Grey’s Anatomy. I made a discovery tonight that one of the new doctors was on the show Reign that I used to watch rather religiously a few years ago. That’s kind of cool!

And that’s about it for my day. I’ve been watching YouTube and getting ready to blog for a while. I found a guy’s channel who was doing a reaction to Bob & Doug McKenzie’s two hit songs, The Twelve Days of Christmas and Take Off (featuring Geddy Lee). It was hilarious when the guy heard Geddy Lee’s singing voice for the first time! I’m not a huge fan, but the songs were such a blast from my past that I sent the video to my BFF. She’ll either love it or ignore it!

Well, tomorrow I might actually do some laundry and get it started. I hope I don’t oversleep any more than I did today. Yikes. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Thursday. Until tomorrow….

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