June 2, 2023

Friday - Rainy, drizzly and cooler

I woke up fairly early this morning. F was still in bed. I heard his alarm a little later but he didn’t get up. When my alarm went off, he was still in the room! I was surprised at that. He was on his way out though. 

I watched the BBC news, then tried to find anything else interesting. I didn’t manage. I turned off the TV and went to sleep again. 

I woke up later, went downstairs, and started a load of laundry. I grabbed my breakfast and brought it upstairs again. I watched some news and I also worked on my column. I did two loads of laundry today and hung it up in the room. After lunch, I finished the column. I listened to it read by my computer and then read it myself. I polished it a little and then sent it off. Whew! Done.

F called early today to say that he was on his way back. I suggested that he buy a bento for his mother’s dinner and he agreed to do that. He brought it back to the house, got dressed and then went off to his dentist. 

F came back in a little while and wasn’t too happy. His dentist pulled 3 teeth today. Three! I was probably more upset than F was! We had planned to go out tonight (of course, depending on how F was after his appointment.)Well, F didn’t want to go anywhere for a while, for obvious reasons. 

We waited a while and since I still needed to eat, I volunteered to eat something from the freezer. F wanted to go out. I suggested a couple of family restaurants where I could get drink bar and he could have dessert or soup or something easy to eat. He wanted to go for curry. I said that the spices might be difficult for his mouth. When we were in the car on the way, he changed his mind again and wanted to go and have udon. Eye roll. Yes, it is an okay place and yes it is probably good for F, but I just didn’t want that kind of food tonight. 

We had an okay dinner. It wasn’t great. It was cheap so I’m sure that F was happy. I wouldn’t have asked to go out if I’d known that I’d end up at a crap Japanese place. Sigh. 

We came back to the house via a convenience store for some snacks and then came back to the house. At the house, I watched an episode of Yellowstone and then took a shower. I had planned to watch more, but it was late and I didn’t want to.

So, that’s about it for today. Tomorrow, F has to go back to the dentist and I hope to heck that he doesn’t get more teeth taken out! I had hoped to go to an afternoon movie, but it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to do that now. Sigh. Oh well.

That’s it for me for today. Come back later if you like and read all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Rosa said...

Ugh, poor F! I've had one tooth pulled (a molar) and it was awful. I can't imagine having three pulled. I'm amazed that he wanted to eat anything besides pain meds!

Hope you have a great weekend w/ all your teeth intact. :D

Helen said...

Thanks! He complained that the pain medicine he got wasn't strong enough!

I hope all my teeth are still intact after this weekend too, and back at you!!

Thanks for visiting :-)

Kelly said...

Ouch, 3 at once, that's tough. Last year I got a tooth pulled at the back of my mouth and it was so painful. I hope F is ok and doesn't need any more pulled out. But it seems like as we get older our teeth get weaker. My FIL just had a couple pulled recently for that reason. Getting older just doesn't appeal! 😜 I hope that things get better for you and you get to eat something yummier on the weekend.

Helen said...

Thanks Kelly! F's quite grumpy today, but I sort of understand. He has to go back to the dentist in a couple of hours. I hope he doesn't get any more teeth taken out!

This is all in preparation for his surgery later this year.

Thanks for commenting!