June 25, 2023

Sunday - Hot and sunny, bit humid

I got up this morning, F was already up and was making breakfast for his mother this morning. He seemed surprised to see me. I got up and dressed, then relaxed for a few minutes. 

Around 11am, F and I left the house and went to Arpeggio for breakfast. It was a little busy this morning, so it took a while before the food arrived. It was good when it came though. I had the bacon-don and F had the Kobachi set. It’s a set of 10 different dishes. He’s always happy when he gets to have it. 

We drove back to the house after our brunch. F did some last minute packing and took his suitcase downstairs. His sister came around 1 pm and we got ready to leave. I told F to say goodbye to his mother. They are so funny, he didn’t hug her or anything, but at least he talked to her a little!

F’s sister let us off at the hospital. F did one of his patented freak outs where he remembered something he forgot to bring. He wouldn’t tell me what exactly he needed though. His sister left and before we went into the hospital I made F kiss me! Once we were inside we couldn’t take off our masks so it had to be outside, right?! We went in. F checked in and we went up to his floor. A nurse took us to the lounge and we did an interview with her. F sprang it on me that I was supposed to visit on Monday, after his operation. What? I’ve been telling him that I wasn’t going to visit on Monday for days. He got rather mad at me when I said that. I told him I’d come on Tuesday so that he’d have a chance to recover, BUT the nurse told me that I couldn’t come then. I’d have to give him a few extra days. She let me book a visit for Thursday. OMG. I don’t get to see him until Thursday? That’s very sad. 

They kicked me out after a while and before I went, F stopped me and gave me a hug. I needed it! 

I left the hospital and since it was so hot and sunny, I decided I’d take a bus to S-Mall. I did. At S-Mall, I did a little shopping and then I had a drink at Doutor. When I finished, I went to the grocery store and picked up a few things. I got a pizza, some chicken, some meat balls, some bread for me and some salad. I paid and then went over to the bus station. I decided to wait and take the more direct bus to the house rather than the longer way. Next time, I think I should take the longer one as I’d get back earlier!

The bus had a few people on it and it was a nice and cool ride back to my stop. I got off and walked back to the house. I put away the groceries and then went upstairs for a little rest. I needed it. I was wiped both emotionally and physically from the heat. 

I texted F to see how he was doing and he seemed happy. He was getting dinner and it looked okay. I told him that I was going down to prepare dinner for his mother and that I had to go.

Tonight I made guacamole with two avocados that I had ripened. They were perfect. They might have been the best avocados I’ve ever seen!  At the mall I had bought a bag of plain tortilla chips so we could have tortillas and guacamole. I had also bought a small pizza and heated that up, I heated up some chicken and the meatballs that I had bought. I also prepared a Costco blueberry muffin for our dessert. I just cut it in half to be honest. We had a nice little feast and it was good. I did the dishes afterwards and said goodnight to K. I went upstairs around 9 pm or so.

I had a fairly quiet evening. I took a nap for a few minutes and then got up. I watched an episode of The Rookie, the one I missed last week, and then an episode of Fringe. That was quite a good one. 

And that’s about it for me. I’m not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. The doctor is supposed to call me and say how F’s operation went. I’ll be waiting for that call, and a bit nervous too as the doctor doesn’t speak much English!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Kentucky Lady said...

Sending good thoughts for successful operation. How long will he need to stay in the hospital? Don't understand having to
make an appointment to visit?????
Hope all goes well.

Helen said...

He should be in the hospital about 3 weeks. They generally don't let you out of the hospital here unless you are ready to go back to work!

The not letting me visit without an appointment is a Covid holdover. A friend told me that she couldn't visit her mother at all when she was in the hospital last year! I'm not even allowed to go to his room, we have to meet in the lounge.

Thanks for your good thoughts and for visiting today.

Rosa said...

What a hardship for both of you. Hopefully this will bring F some relief. One has to wonder how much his ongoing pain has affected him-- and you! Take good care of yourself and don't get too stressed out!

Helen said...

I think his pain has really affected him over the last year and a half. He's been a grumpy bear, even worse than usual. With the heat, and having to take care of the MIL, it is a little stressful for me right now. I'll try and take it easy though.

Thanks for visiting :-)